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The Universal One
Over mijn bibliotheek
Books that inspire on the journey of one!
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We believe truth and love are of one heart. The heart of love is the wisdom of truth. Our mission is to provide you a path toward personal spiritual enlightenment. We believe the path should start off wide; after all, there is a world of knowledge waiting to be shared here at the Universal One Healing.

Search through religions. Learn from the Sages. Explore the realm of the unknown! Let the Spirit of Truth guide you on your journey. As you grow, you will discover all paths lead to One Light, One Love, One Truth and One God to heal all people.

We walk together. Collectively, we are alive in Spirit! I may call my path Christianity. You may call your path Shamanism, and he may call his path Islam, but the ground we walk upon is the same. The truth we seek is governed by the same Spirit. The light that illuminates this truth is of One, and the wisdom embraced in love serves only to heal.

When we seek wisdom with an open mind and purity of heart, we are reminded that we are all friends on this journey. We give and share with the same heart of love. And in love we learn that we are the Universal One!

Together, let’s grow in truth. Let’s not merely tolerate each other, but honor the divinity that is alive in light and love.

Whether starting this journey, or ending it, we all cross paths while on it!
Spreading love everywhere!