
ONLOAN (20), 239SCH (15), 239MAC (9), 230HEN (7), OVERDUE (6), 239.1ORR (5), The Crown of Christian Heritage (4), 220GRU (4), 248CAR (3), 248MAC? (3), 921WIL (3), 248LEW (3), 940RUN (3), 230COL (3), 266BAR (3), 270HOW (3), 370MAC (3), 248SCH (3), DUE 13/2/14 (3), 239.5aFOL (3), 248.1L'ABRI (3), 225BRU (2), 262THW (2), 370MAR (2), 100BAR (2), 200BRO (2), 100APP (2), 239.5aNEW (2), 215.3RAN (2), 239.2TUR (2), 239.3SIR (2), 215.3MOR (2), 215.3LEF (2), 239.3SPR (2), 215.2BEH (2), 239SCH.9 (2), 246ROO (2), 230NEW (2), 215.1HAR (2), 215.2BLO (2), 241CAM (2), 241ADA (2), 239.1LEW (2), 215ALE (2), 239.1KEL (2), 270CHA (2), 266BRO (2), 248KEY (2), 921STO (2), 921SPU (2), 100DES (2), 100GRA (2), 921MAR (2), 921SIM (2), 221LEW (2), 215LEN (2), 215.3SAR (2), 215GAR (2), 270TIN (2), Cambridge (2), 239 (2), History (2), 320SCR (2), 100HUM (2), 215DVD (2), Lady Jane Grey (2), Apologetics (2), Isaac Newton (2), 239.3KEY (1), 239.5bBAU (1), 248DeY (1), 100COU (1), 220FEE (1), 100GOT (1), 225NEI (1), 100HAM (1), 248WIN (1), Justin Brierley (1), 239.3MAN (1), Bonnie Yule-Kuehne (1), 100HAZ (1), 100HOL (1), 100BUT (1), 239DVD (1), 239.5aSIR (1), 100HUX (1), Krish Kandiah (1), 100KAN (1), Ken Samples (1), 100HAR (1), Eerdmans Gospels (1), 248DeG (1), 248GUI (1), 270REE (1), DVD 912 (1), 241DAW (1), 320.JUB (1), 575DAR (1), 239.3 ATH (1), 248GAT (1), 270GAT (1), 230WIL (1), DVD 942.1; Apologetics; History; Cambridge; Philosophy; Theology; Characters; (1), How the Cosmos is designed for human life; DVD215; Discovery Institute; Genetics; Michael Denton; (1), 940WEB (1), 239.3BRA (1), 942MAD (1), Science; Cambridge; theatre; Denis Alexander; Faraday Institute; natural philosophy; Liebniz; Robert Iliffe; Michael Hunter; Stephen D. Snobelen; Scott Mandelbrote; Bill Newman; Niccolo Guicciardini; John Hedley Brooke; Patricia Fara; 215BAX; (1), 220McC (1), 220VAN (1), 921MIS (1), 251STO (1), 248SPU (1), 248KEL (1), 220THI (1), 246JAC (1), 261HIG (1), 297RID (1), 239.2SCH (1), 239PHI (1), 270SAN (1), 215HAN (1), 215PEA (1), 921SOS (1), 252LEW (1), 215.1CAR (1), 215.3DEM (1), 215.2ROS (1), apostolic testimony (1), 225HEA (1), DUE 12/7/14 (1), 921WRI (1), 215.3WEL (1), 239.3MAC (1), 213.3CLA (1), 239.5BAU (1), 270SCH (1), DUE: 22/8/14 (1), DUE 21/8/14 (1), NT Introduction: The Synoptic Gospels (1), 940THO (1), DUE 29/7/14 (1), 261LAU (1), DUE 30/5/14 (1), 200EVE (1), 941DVD (1), non-fiction NT (1), 912DVD (1), 241WYA (1), Allowing the evidence to speak (1), 270BEB (1), Geoff Barnard (1), Mike Behe (1), 262NOR (1), Centre for Intelligent Design (1), 200HER (1), 370COL (1), 239.3DVD (1), 239.5BDVD (1), 200HEX (1), 200HUG (1), 200JON (1), Science; religion; Cambridge Companion; Peter Harrison; John Henry; David Lindberg; Jonathan Topham; Jon Roberts; John Hedley Brooke; Ronald Numbers; Simon Conway Morris; William Stoeger; Fraser Watts; John H Evans; Michael Ruse; Nancy Murphy; John Haught (1), 200LEW (1), Philosophy; humanity; liberal humanism; popular; political theory; pessimism; 100GRA (1), 100POL (1), 221SKL (1), 239.2BEC (1), history (1), 320NOV (1), Biblical Theology (1), Jesus (1), NT Gospels (1), Christianity (1), Biblical Studies (1), Church History (1), Science (1), Politics (1), Biblical Criticism (1), Hermeneutics (1), Early Christianity (1), Community (1), Canon (1), MISSING (1), Historical Jesus (1), darwin (1), New Testament Studies (1), Inerrancy (1), New Testament Theology (1), John Lennox (1), Faith Foundations (1), 221 WRI (1), 220 WRI (1), 241 CAT (1), 921CAR (1), Steve Fuller (1), Hanover College (1), 100AYE (1), 100BAC (1), 100BER (1), Christology (1), England (1), 100DAW (1), cells (1), authority (1), Fellowship (1), nature (1), oral tradition (1), evolution (1), creation (1), biology (1), Resurrection (1), Protestantism (1), Scripture (1), origins (1), Scepticism (1), Heritage (1), Tudors (1), scripture (1), intelligent design (1), science and faith (1), New Testament (1), Christian origins (1), Copy 1 (1), L'Abri (1), Hugh Ross (1), new testament (1), church history (1), Michael Green (1), Science and Faith (1), documentary (1), Jesus Christ (1), Reformation (1), 100BRO (1), 225BAR (1), DUE 1/3/13 (1), 921LIN (1), 281FAI (1), 261GRU (1), 239.3CHE (1), 240LIC (1), 266SOO (1), 220ATK (1), 921LUT (1), 921CAL (1), 248LAW (1), 248SCE (1), 239SIR.3 (1), 800CHE (1), 921BUN (1), Bible (1), 266KIR (1), 239SCH.10 (1), 230WRI (1), 248BAR (1), 270PAY (1), 239.1BEW (1), DUE 13/1/14 (1), DUE 10/2/14 (1), 270HYL (1), PLA100 (1), 225WRI (1), DUE 5/1/14 (1), 239HAB (1), DUE 5/6/13 (1), 270SMI (1), 225COO (1), 297SOO (1), 225BLO (1), 239.5B (1), 230MCD (1), 230LOU (1), 230FAI (1), 239COP (1), 239GUN (1), 248GOD (1), 239.1ZAC (1), 241TAY (1), 239SCH.11 (1), 239.5aTIL (1), DUE 10/11/13 (1), 239HAB.1 (1), DUE 25/05/2012 (1), 239GRO (1), 240SOO (1), DUE 24/05/09 (1), 239.4bDRA (1), DUE 17/11/13 (1), 239SCH.6 (1), 921CAT (1), 239.2KEY (1), 230GEI (1), 215.3RIC (1), 248GOO (1), 215.1COL (1), 239.3GUI (1), DUE 10/12/13 (1), 297CHA (1), 240MAN (1), DVD 941 (1)
Trefwoordenwolk, Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
Lid sinds
Nov 11, 2008
Echte naam
Christian Heritage, Cambridge
Over mijn bibliotheek
A free borrowing library in the centre of Cambridge focussing on (1) apologetics, including evidence for the reliabilty of scripture (2) integrating biblical faith with politics, the arts, society, science (3) church history, cambridge history and biography. There are also a number of reference books, books on other religions/philosophy.
Books can be borrowed for one month periods, please drop into the church to join and start borrowing.
The Round Church Vestry, Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 1UB