Trefwoorddysfunctional Bundy family was nominated for both Emmys and Golden Globes while acting as a force opposite the "perfect family" sitcoms. Former high school football star Al (Ed O'Neill) now sells women's shoes while his wife Peggy (Katey Sagal) sits at ho

Bevat: dysfunctional Bundy family was nominated for both Emmys and Golden Globes while acting as a force opposite the "perfect family" sitcoms. Former high school football star Al (Ed O'Neill) now sells women's shoes while his wife Peggy (Katey Sagal) sits at ho, dysfunctional bundy family was nominated for both emmys and golden globes while acting as a force opposite the "perfect family" sitcoms. former high school football star al (ed o'neill) now sells women's shoes while his wife peggy (katey sagal) sits at ho

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