Trefwoordentertainers. Biography of Lucille Mulhall (1885-1940). Lucille had her heart set on roping and riding. She broke records and thrilled crowds with her daring acts. 32 unnumbered pages. Reading Level 4.1. Interest Level K-3.

Bevat: entertainers. Biography of Lucille Mulhall (1885-1940). Lucille had her heart set on roping and riding. She broke records and thrilled crowds with her daring acts. 32 unnumbered pages. Reading Level 4.1. Interest Level K-3., entertainers. biography of lucille mulhall (1885-1940). lucille had her heart set on roping and riding. she broke records and thrilled crowds with her daring acts. 32 unnumbered pages. reading level 4.1. interest level k-3

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