TrefwoordSociale institutie

Engels trefwoord: institutions (verbeter de vertaling)

Bevat: institutions, institution, Institutions, Institution, instituciones, Instituciones, [institutions], INSTITUCIONES, and Institutions, institutions., intitutions, INSTITUTIONS, Instituions, INSTITUTION, instituions, and institutions
Vertalingen: Sociale institutie, institutioner, Сацыяльны інстытут, Институция, Institution, Institución, Institution, Ustanova, Istituzione, Institucija, Институција, Institusjon, Instytucja, Instituição, Instituție, Социальный институт, Институција, Instituutio

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Marquand (975), bit-of-a-list-tiger (90), cshalizi (70), Ashkal_Alwan (65), anhaga (50), DSRStudio (45), pklinstitute (37), sagocreno (33), eromsted (31), isbolivia (27), alanhutton (25), Carolus (23), JMK2020 (23), jorgearanda (19), Schelling_42 (17), danyosong (13), JanWillemNoldus (13), ImpactFoundry (13), szarka (13), DM_Library (13), pikkendorff (13) en 2,730 andere leden

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