Trefwoordteaches about the vet; lots of word repetition; level 10 book for middle level readers; some words might be tricky; uses quotations; introduces dialogue with the use of quotations of what Rascal's owner tells him; uses exclamation marks and bold words;

Bevat: teaches about the vet; lots of word repetition; level 10 book for middle level readers; some words might be tricky; uses quotations; introduces dialogue with the use of quotations of what Rascal's owner tells him; uses exclamation marks and bold words;, teaches about the vet; lots of word repetition; level 10 book for middle level readers; some words might be tricky; uses quotations; introduces dialogue with the use of quotations of what rascal's owner tells him; uses exclamation marks and bold words

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brittany2366 (1)