Rightwing Christian heads start exploding in 3, 2, 1.......

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Rightwing Christian heads start exploding in 3, 2, 1.......

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jul 7, 2013, 10:10 am

This White House Petition Will Anger The Christian Right, So Let’s All Sign It

In Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, Indiana, New Hampshire, Texas, Kansas, Mississippi, Montana, Arizona, Colorado, and several other states, Republicans have pushed bills that would force schools to teach creationism as an accepted science. Not just any form of creationism, the Christian version of creationism found in the Bible. In response to this effort, a petition has been started on the White House website calling for a federal ban on teaching creationism in school.

More at http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/07/06/this-white-house-petition-will-anger-the...

jul 7, 2013, 10:12 am

OK, that was weird. Clicked post but it comes up as I deleted it!

This White House Petition Will Anger The Christian Right, So Let’s All Sign It

In Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, Indiana, New Hampshire, Texas, Kansas, Mississippi, Montana, Arizona, Colorado, and several other states, Republicans have pushed bills that would force schools to teach creationism as an accepted science. Not just any form of creationism, the Christian version of creationism found in the Bible. In response to this effort, a petition has been started on the White House website calling for a federal ban on teaching creationism in school.

More at http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/07/06/this-white-house-petition-will-anger-the...

jul 7, 2013, 1:44 pm

As most of the Christians posting on the threads in the Let's Talk Religion group claim to disagree with creationism, it might be worth posting the information about the petition on that group as well.

jul 7, 2013, 5:49 pm

There are, of course, a great many creation myths. I don't see anything wrong with teaching a generous sampling of them. In a mythology unit, of course.