Stephen Schwartz?

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Stephen Schwartz?

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Bewerkt: nov 15, 2014, 11:22 am

I wonder what people's feelings are about Stephen Schwartz.

Overall, he's at the top of my list. Godspell is simply fantastic—helped along, for me, by being theological gold. Pippin is also pure gold, although rarely performed. Wicked is also great. His songs from The Prince of Egypt made that movie.

Then there's Children of Eden, allegedly his personal favorite. We went to a very rare performance this summer, at the Boothbay Playhouse, a community theater up here in Maine. Well, it's rarely performed for a reason. Indeed, I'm not sure why it's ever performed. We happened to see Into the Woods two weeks before at the same playhouse, with much the same cast, and it was great--so it wasn't the performers. Everything about it was bad--the music was boring and repetitive, the lyrics made you feel like you had lost 20 IQ. It was excruciating.

Has anyone seen it, or heard the soundtrack? Do you have a favorite Stephen Schwartz musical or song?

nov 20, 2014, 8:59 pm

There's *one* song I like from Children of Eden. Of course Wicked is good. I think my sister has seen Working but I haven't.

That's all I got.

nov 20, 2014, 9:00 pm

Which one?

nov 22, 2014, 3:08 am

Lost in the wilderness