Would you want this group to be your publisher?

DiscussiePedants' corner

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Would you want this group to be your publisher?

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

Bewerkt: aug 13, 2015, 2:58 pm

I saw this new member's profile picture and comment

Ooops. edited to add the correct link


Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd is a reputed publisher of academic books

and had to go look at the profile



aug 13, 2015, 12:25 pm

We should all "belief" in delivering quality products.

aug 13, 2015, 2:52 pm

I share 17 books with Shelfie_app. I have no idea what that means.

Bewerkt: aug 13, 2015, 3:16 pm


Bewerkt: aug 14, 2015, 6:05 am

Their entire portfolio seems to comprise fewer than 20 books. Hindi or Gujarati language is their speciality. Gotta start small to get big.

Bewerkt: aug 14, 2015, 9:35 am

If the OED is to be believed, reputed in the sense of "held in high repute" is still perfectly standard in Indian English, but nowhere else.
Another thing I never knew about the English language...

(With an adverb attached, e.g. "internationally reputed", it's acceptable everywhere, of course.)

aug 14, 2015, 2:41 pm

Should we be called "Pedants'" corner or "Pedants's" corner? I see spell check likes the first version:-)

aug 14, 2015, 4:53 pm

>7 Writermala:
Last time that question came up, someone was arguing for "Pedant scorner"...!

Our esteemed founder proposed "Pedants' Corner" on the reasonable assumption that the group would be unlikely to have any interesting discussions unless it contained more than one pedant.

aug 15, 2015, 6:17 pm

I tip my hat to the in-house polymath Shashikant Nishant Sharma, who has published on urban planning, children's literature, and web publishing.

There is a little inconsistency concerning number in Mr. Sharma's titles. This one uses the plural number as expected: Best Thoughts and Quotes of the World.

But this one is a puzzle: Best Tips and Tricks for Bloggers and Webmaster. Why plural bloggers but singular webmaster? Perhaps only one webmaster on earth is expected to read the thing, but at least two bloggers might.