Vintage Catholic Sci Fi

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Vintage Catholic Sci Fi

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dec 8, 2007, 11:03 pm

Louis de Wohl wrote The Second Conquest (touchstones are bringing up the wrong book) Copies are extremely hard to find!

dec 30, 2007, 9:10 am

The Second Conquest - is it any good?

Going a little further back in time (2nd Conquest is 1954) Charles Williams's novels in my opinion should be considered Catholic SF although I realize both of those tags are debatable. But they did strike me as science fiction when I first encountered them as a teenager and one of the most impressive "science fictional" ideas - substitutionary suffering across time and space - I later discovered (after my conversion to Catholicism) to be perfectly orthodox Catholic teaching.

Perfectly orthodox Catholicism does often turn out to bend the fabric of time and space. That's one of the reasons I like being Catholic. Real time travel at every Mass, how cool is that!

Back to vintage Catholic SF, and back quite a bit earlier in time, is Robert Hugh Benson. Unfortunately, although I quite like his historical fiction, I have to say his SF fell a little flat with me. Lord of the World and what was the other title?

jan 16, 2008, 10:55 am

My 17yo daughter has read The Second Conquest several times - she's the one who told me it was really good, but I haven't read it myself. We've read Benson's SF as well (Lord of the World and The Dawn of All), but it's been such a while ago I can't really remember much about them.