Paul S in 2019: Winter

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Paul S in 2019: Winter

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

nov 28, 2019, 5:16 pm

morning fog in Riehen (looking over to Germany)
(this is the picture the publisher Lenos wants to put on a cover of one of their books)

streetphotography: a cyclist in the pedestrian zone at the railway station of Basel

Bewerkt: nov 30, 2019, 3:17 am

pictures Suki made

my daughter and her grandmother in Korea in traditional costumes

Gwangyang harbor in South Korea

Bewerkt: jan 4, 2020, 9:08 am

Books read in 2019

1) Selbst wenn man alles verlieren müsste by Suzy Dind
2) Die schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten aus Skandinavien by Gitte Haenning
3) Das fremde Kleid : Roman by Suzy Dind
4) Der wunderbare Massenselbstmord : Roman by Arto Paasilinna
5) Der Felsendom in Jerusalem und seine Geschichte by Richard Hartmann
6) Marie Curie by Ma Isabel Sánchez Vegara
7) Die Bärengeburtstagsfeier : oder: Wie man Freunde gewinnt by Wendy Smith
8) Wieder lügt Odysseus : Geschichten aus dem neuen Griechenland edited by Annette Wassermann
9) AG Pinkerton und der Augenzeuge : Eine Kriminalgeschichte für junge Leute by Heiner Gross
10) Candido oder ein Traum in Sizilien by Leonardo Sciascia
11) Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
12) Der Psalm von den zwei Wegen : Die Seligpreisung in Psalm 1 - Eine Auslegung by Eduard Haller
13) My Wörtersack : Gedicht ir Bäärner Umgangsschpraach ; spouken Wöörd by Hans Jürg Zingg
14) Die Vegetarierin : Roman by Han Kang
15) Zerstörtes Glück by Roger Graf
16) Es Dänkmool wet i käis : aus dem lyrischen Schaffen by Helene Bossert
17) Ach, diese Lücke, diese entsetzliche Lücke : live by Joachim Meyerhoff
18) Die Sternstunde by Clarice Lispector
19) A commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians by C. K. Barrett
20) Gregs Tagebuch : von Idioten umzingelt! ; ein Comic-Roman by Jeff Kinney
21) Kurze Geschichte des Traktors auf Ukrainisch : Roman by Marina Lewycka
22) Screwtape schreibt wieder : Neue Dienstanweisungen an einen Unterteufel by Walter Martin
23) Erastus, die Hafenratte by Heinz Böhm
24) Farantheiner by Patrick Savolainen
25) Verwaltung der Dokumente und des Archivguts eines Vereins : Vereine, Clubs und Verbände by Véronique Rebord
26) Maga und die verzauberten Ohren by Marina Ribeaud
27) Eskapaden : der achte Fall für Bruno, Chef de police ; Roman by Martin Walker
28) Die Geschichte vom Jäger, der alle Tiere auf der ganzen Welt töten wollte : 10 Geschichten by Mario Grasso
29) Doppelte Schuld : Kriminalroman by Anne Chaplet
30) Daniel Lahaii : Objekte by Daniel Lahaii
31) Das Bild als Haus des Seins : Gedanken zum malerischen Oeuvre von Karin Schaub by Annelise Zwez
32) Sturm im alten Turm : fünf junge Detektive lernen die Angst kennen by Adolf Winiger
33) Katja Henkelpott by Helmut Sakowski
34) The Lady of the Lake by Walter Scott
35) In Seinen Fussstapfen : "Was würde Jesus thun?" by Charles Monroe Sheldon
36) Das grosse Vorsingen by Luc Foccroulle
37) Frau Giraffe zieht um! by Guido Hammesfahr
38) Busse, ein himmlisches Geschenk : Gott hat Jesus erhöht durch seine Rechte, zu geben Israel Busse. Apostelg. 5, 30. 31 by Georg Steinberger
39) Ein Weiser, ein Kaiser und viel Reis : von der Erfindung des Schachspiels by Paolo Friz
40) Warum Noah eine Arche baute by Marlene Fritsch
41) Zielpunkte besserer Volksernährung by Susanna Müller
42) Tschüss zäme! : ein Dorfkrimi by Achim Parterre
43) Wolken über dem Jordantal by Paul Stalder
44) Stadt am Meer by Joanne Schwartz
45) Am Abend vor dem Meer by Khaled Hosseini
46) Abzählen : Roman by Tamta Melaschwili
47) Mit dem Elefantendoktor in Laos by Olivier Kugler
48) Ueber Zölle und Landwirtschaft : Eine sozialdemokratische Antwort an Dr. Ernst Laur by Hugo Jordi
49) Bretonische Verhältnisse : ein Fall für Kommissar Dupin by Jean-Luc Bannalec
50) Ganz aus Gnaden by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
51) A mercy : a novel by Toni Morrison
53) Ali : ein Kinderbuch by Hans Roelli
54) Die Sehnsucht ihrer Mutter : Roman by Francine Rivers
55) Erinnerungen eines Amerikaschweizers im 19. Jahrhundert by Oswald Studer
56) Zwölf Juden finden den Messias : wie Gott heute unter Juden wirkt by Ben Hoekendijk
57) Das Bauernjahr : 12 Bauernpredigten by Oswald Studer
58) Der Schatten des Golem by Éliette Abécassis
59) A commentary on the second epistle to the Corinthians by Charles K. Barrett
60) Porträt einer Neu-Altstadt, durch welche ein Fluss läuft : Aluminium-Relief von Dani Karavan 1965-1971 am Geschäftshaus Henric Petri-Strasse 22 in Basel by Reinhold Hohl
61) Carlotta jagt den Coyoten : Roman by Linda Barnes
62) Stella maris by Isabella Feimer
63) Spätsünder : Roman by Alex Gasser
64) Der Missionshund Lumpi by Sheila Groves
65) Broto by Adèle Ellis
66) Liebe pur : Erzählung by Yael Hedaya
67) Noch ist es Zeit : von der dörflichen Enge ins anrüchige Zürcher Niederdorf ; Roman by Rolf Waller
68) fromm und frau : Anfragen zu gestern, Antworten für morgen by Luise Löbbe-Laabs
69) Z'Basel an mym Rhy : Streifzüge durch Basel und die Regio by Johann Jakob Jenny
70) Über den Wolken = Par dessus les nuages : 97 Bilder in Kupferdruck "Incavo" by Eduard Spelterini
71) Nein! Nein! Ich steig' in kein fremdes Auto ein! : ein Bilderbuch für kleine und grosse Leute ab 4 Jahren by Petra Lazik
72) The singing top : tales from Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei by Margaret Read MacDonald
73) Nicht verzweifeln - beten! by Helga Anton
74) Theo Tonnentier und das grosse Hennenrennen by Betina Gotzen-Beek
75) Faroe-Islander saga : a new English translation by Robert K. Painter
76) "Gesichter Jerusalems" : Fotografien von Schwester Sabine Höffgen ; Begleitheft zur Ausstellung 30. November 2018 bis 15. August 2019 by Sabine Höffgen
77) Die Geschichte der Bodenseeschiffahrt um Lindau by Werner Dobras
78) Die krasse Geschichte einer ungewöhnlichen Freundschaft by Susanne Wittpennig
79) Die kleine Spinne Widerlich by Diana Amft
80) Der Schreiber : Roman ; Silas by Francine Rivers
81) I escaped the California Camp Fire : California's deadliest wildfire by Scott Peters
82) Die drei gerechten Kammmacher : Novelle by Gottfried Keller
83) Sez Ner : Romanisch und Deutsch by Arno Camenisch
84) Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
85) Denn am Sabbat sollst du ruhen : Roman by Batya Gur
86) Elephants can remember by Agatha Christie
87) Das Gedächtnis des Körpers : wie Beziehungen und Lebensstile unsere Gene steuern by Joachim Bauer
88) Der rote Pony by John Steinbeck
89) The laughter of Sarah : biblical exegesis, feminist theory, and the concept of delight by Catherine Conybeare
90) Die sehr schönen Stunden von Jungfer Symforosa, dem Beginchen by Felix Timmermans
91) Ordnung und Schicksal : eine Erzählung by Gottlieb Heinrich Heer
92) Späte Lese : religiöse Gedanken und Aphorismen by W. J. Oehler
93) Seines Bruders Hüter by William Wolfensberger
94) Das Bombardement von Åbo : eine Erzählung aus Finnland by Carl Spitteler
95) Cavrein : Erzählung by Leo Tuor
96) Liebesnacht : Erzählung by Urs Widmer
97) Am Silser- und Gardasee by Johanna Spyri
98) Die Tramlinie auf die Chrischona : nie ausgeführt by Alfred Künzler
99) Das kleine Dorftheater : eine Erzählung aus Graubünden by Hans Mohler
100) The coroner's lunch : a Dr Siri mystery by Colin Cotterill
101) Vom Vereinshaus zum neuen FEG-Begegnungszentrum : ein fotografischer Rückblick auf den Neubau 2008-09 des neuen Begegnungszentrums am Erlensträsschen 47 in Riehen by Walter Morgenthaler
102) Besetzte Liebe by Ragnfrid Trohaug
103) Der Trumpf des Toten : Detektivroman by Georgette Heyer
104) Moses Bitten by Friedrich Bettex
105) Brandfall 193⁵ : Schweizer Kriminalroman by Hans Stalder
106) Kniri-Seppli : Theaterstück i drei Akte us dr Zyt vom Heinrich Pestalozzi by Josef Berger
107) Die Geráks : Novelle by Elin Pelin
108) Leute aus den hintern Gassen : Berner Novelle by Ulrich Amstutz
109) Der verkaufte Regenbogen by Andrew Bond
110) Gideon : Richter 6-8 by Friedrich Bettex
111) Gefährliche Côte Bleue : Ein Provence-Krimi mit Capitaine Roger Blanc by Cay Rademacher
112) Balak und Bileam : 4. Mose 22-24. by Friedrich Bettex
113) Sizilianisches Finale : Aurelio Zen ermittelt in Sizilien ; Kriminalroman by Michael Dibdin
114) Spuren im Schnee by Gerda Anger-Schmidt
115) Wie der Schneemann wieder lachen konnte by M. Christina Butler
116) Öl : Schauspiel by Lukas Bärfuss
117) Der grüne Heinrich in seiner Heimat : aus dem Roman "Der grüne Heinrich" von Gottfried Keller by Gottfried Keller
118) Kleiner Eisbär wohin fährst du? : eine Geschichte mit Bildern by Hans de Beer
119) Kleiner Eisbär - Lass mich nicht allein, Lars! by Hans de Beer
120) Zen und der falsche Hund : Roman by Elizabeth M. Cosin
121) The fox in the library by Lorenz Pauli
122) Ich wusste, wohin die Reise geht by Hilde Ziegler
123) The white tiger by Aravind Adiga
124) Himmel, Polt und Hölle : Kriminalroman by Alfred Komarek
125) Die verborgenen Schätze des Abendmahls : Jesus unser Bündnispartner by Marcello Corciulo
126) Der dritte Mann by Graham Greene
127) In der Krummgasse : Erzählung by Olga Meyer
128) Der Apostel Paulus und sein Evangelium als Autorität für den Glauben by Theodor Öhler
129) Mit Sofie auf der Alp : Nach einer wahren Begebenheit by Salome Siegenthaler-Lüthi
130) Herzlichen Glückwünsch, Pauli by Brigitte Weninger
131) Der Boden unter den Füssen : eine Fantasie by Christoph Keller
132) Pauline Pechfee by Ursula Poznanski
133) Tom, das Schiff und die Menschenhändler by Detlef Eigenbrodt
134) Das Krippen-Spiel : ein fröhliches Kindertheater by Nick Butterworth
135) Er hat dich erlöst by Samuel Limbach
136) König Elch by Ulf Stark
137) Lieder von der Aare by Hedwig Dick
138) Simons Weihnacht by Anneliese Lussert
139) Mutterland : Roman by David Albahari
140) Winterzeit in der Amselstrasse : Geschichten von grossen und kleinen Leuten, die zum Backen, Basteln und Nachdenken anregen sollen by Ursula Häbich
141) Zwei Sonnen am Himmel by Federica De Cesco
142) Zwölf mal Polt : Kriminalgeschichten by Alfred Komarek
143) Mumins lange Reise by Tove Jansson
144) In the month of Kislev : a story for Hanukkah by Nina Jaffe
145) Oliver Twist : bearbeitet für die Ravensburger Taschenbücher by Charles Dickens
146) Sturm im Mumintal by Tove Jansson
147) Als wir klein waren : Salzteigfiguren von Julie Landis erzählen by Julie Landis
148) Bei Rotlicht Mord : Krimi aus Paris ; Nestor Burma ermittelt by Léo Malet
149) Soldier's Heart : Being the story of the enlistment and due service of the boy Charley Goddard in the First Minnesota Volunters by Gary Paulsen
150) Jarousseau, der Pfarrer der Wüste by Eugène Pelletan
151) Der Dienst der Theologie by Klaus Bockmühl
152) Im Licht der Zeit : Epos by Barbara Groher
153) Im Zeichen der Vier by Arthur Conan Doyle
154) Hällo, ei äm Betti! : eine Fremde auf dem Hof by Regina M. Ehlbeck

Bewerkt: jan 3, 2020, 4:42 am

some stats

books added to my libraries
January 104
February 51
March 71
April 38
May 24
June 43
July 34
August 54
September 50
October 71
November 48
December 68

bookmarks added
July 77
August 14
September 3

books read by authors:
male 88
female 56
anthologies 1

dead 57
alive 88
anthologies 1

Switzerland 53
Germany 27
Great Britain 16
France 3
Belgium 2
Netherlands 3
Austria 5
Italy 1
Sweden 1
Finland 2
Denmark 1
Greece 1
Spain 1
Georgia 1
Bulgaria 1
Serbia 1

Kanada 1
USA 15
Brazil 1

South Korea 2
India 1
Israel 2
Afghanistan 1

books read: languages first published
Swiss German 4
German 83
French 7
Italian 1
Romansh 2
English 37
Swedish 3
Finnish 1
Icelandic 1
Norwegian 1
Spanish 1
Serbian 1
Greek 1
Georgian 1
Flemish 1
Bulgarian 1
Dutch 2

Hebrew 2
Korean 1

Brazilian 1

books first published (my editions)
1800-1849 3
1850-1899 9 (1)
1900-1919 11 (10)
1920-1929 2 (2)
1930-1945 7 (3)
1946-1959 7 (13)
1960-1969 6 (5)
1970-1979 11 (11)
1980-1989 9 (11)
1990-1999 19 (18)
2000-2009 30 (31)
2010-2019 39 (48)

Bewerkt: jan 2, 2020, 4:53 pm

countries in which the plot takes place:

A 7 (Stella maris by Isabella Feimer)
Afrika 1 (Frau Giraffe zieht um! by Guido Hammesfahr)
Arktis 2 (Kleiner Eisbär wohin fährst du? by Hans de Beer)
B 2 (Das grosse Vorsingen by Luc Foccroulle)
BG 1 (Die Geráks by Elin Pelin)
Brasilien 1 (Die Sternstunde von Clarice Lispector)
Brunei 1 (The singing top : tales from Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei by Margaret Read MacDonald)
CDN 1 (Stadt am Meer by Joanne Schwartz)
CH 33 (Über den Wolken = Par dessus les nuages by Eduard Spelterini)
-- BE 5 (Brandfall 193⁵by Hans Stalder)
-- BL 1 (Es Dänkmool wet i käis by Helene Bossert)
-- BS 5 (Spätsünder by Alex Gasser)
-- GL 1 (Mit Sofie auf der Alp by Salome Siegenthaler-Lüthi)
-- GR 3 (Sez Ner : Romanisch und Deutsch by Arno Camenisch)
-- LU 1 (Sturm im alten Turm by Adolf Winiger)
-- NW 1 (Kniri-Seppli by Josef Berger)
-- VD 2 (Selbst wenn man alles verlieren müsste by Suzy Dind)
-- ZH 6 (Noch ist es Zeit : von der dörflichen Enge ins anrüchige Zürcher Niederdorf by Rolf Waller)
China 1 (Ein Weiser, ein Kaiser und viel Reis : von der Erfindung des Schachspiels by Paolo Friz)
D 14 (Ach, diese Lücke, diese entsetzliche Lücke by Joachim Meyerhoff)
DDR 1 (Doppelte Schuld by Anne Chaplet)
DK 1 (Die schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten aus Skandinavien by Gitte Haenning)
F 6 (Eskapaden : der achte Fall für Bruno, Chef de police by Martin Walker)
Färöer 1 (Faroe-Islander saga by Robert K. Painter)
GB 9 (The Lady of the Lake by Walter Scott.)
Georgien 1 (Abzählen : Roman by Tamta Melaschwili)
GR 5 (Wieder lügt Odysseus edited by Annette Wassermann)
I 2 (Candido oder ein Traum in Sizilien by Leonardo Sciascia)
IL 8 (Denn am Sabbat sollst du ruhen by Batya Gur)
Indien 1 (The white tiger by Aravind Adiga)
Indonesien 1 (Broto by Adèle Ellis)
Iran 1 (Ali : ein Kinderbuch by Hans Roelli)
Japan 1 (Pachinko by Min Jin Lee)
Jugoslawien 1 (Mutterland by David Albahari)
KOR 2 (Die Vegetarierin : Roman by Han Kang)
Laos 2 (Mit dem Elefantendoktor in Laos by Olivier Kugler)
Malaysia 1 (The singing top : tales from Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei by Margaret Read MacDonald)
N 2 (Besetzte Liebe by Ragnfrid Trohaug)
Naher Osten 6 (Der Schreiber : Silas by Francine Rivers)
P 1 (In the month of Kislev by Nina Jaffe)
S 1 (Die schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten aus Skandinavien by Gitte Haenning)
SF 3 (Der wunderbare Massenselbstmord : Roman von Arto Paasilinna)
Singapur 2 (Der Missionshund Lumpi by Sheila Groves)
Syrien 1 (Am Abend vor dem Meer by Khaled Hosseini)
Tschechien 1 (Der Schatten des Golem by Éliette Abécassis)
Ukraine 1 (Kurze Geschichte des Traktors auf Ukrainisch by Marina Lewycka)
USA 12 (In Seinen Fussstapfen : "Was würde Jesus thun?" by Charles Monroe Sheldon)

Atlantis 1 (Zwei Sonnen am Himmel by Federica De Cesco)
Third World country 1 (Öl by Lukas Bärfuss)
other worlds 2 (Der verkaufte Regenbogen by Andrew Bond)
animal world 4 (Herzlichen Glückwünsch, Pauli by Brigitte Weninger)
on sea 1 (Tom, das Schiff und die Menschenhändler by Detlef Eigenbrodt)

nov 28, 2019, 8:42 pm

Happy new thread!

nov 29, 2019, 1:56 am

Happy new one, Paul. I love the topper.

nov 29, 2019, 3:43 am

>6 quondame: >7 Ameise1: thanks for visiting

nov 29, 2019, 8:00 pm

Happy new thread!

nov 29, 2019, 11:42 pm

What beautiful pictures, Paul!

nov 30, 2019, 1:24 pm

Happy new thread!

nov 30, 2019, 3:26 pm

Happy new thread, Paul, lovely pictures at the top!

dec 2, 2019, 5:58 am

>9 drneutron: Thanks, Jim, will be the last one, I guess

>10 SqueakyChu: Thanks Madeline. Suki made some very fine pictures - we have a different style

>11 figsfromthistle: >12 FAMeulstee: Thanks Anita :)

Bewerkt: dec 2, 2019, 11:08 am

125) Die verborgenen Schätze des Abendmahls : Jesus unser Bündnispartner by Marcello Corciulo. The author shows the parallels between Old Testament covenants and the Last Supper: Jesus is the covenent partner who gives and keeps all the stipulations. A short read, could be more fleshed out.

first published 2019 in German in Switzerland

dec 2, 2019, 11:43 am

statistics for November

1973 pages, 15 books,

13 books were written in German, in 2 English, and 0 in Swiss German

nationalities: CH 5, D 2, A 2, GB 2, NL 1, USA 1, IND 1

dead 5, alive 9
male 10, female 4

2 books by Hans de Beer

oldest 1905, newest 2019 (book, my copy)
oldest 1904, newest 2019 (work, first published)

I added 0 bookmarks and 48 books to my collections

dec 2, 2019, 3:10 pm

126) Der dritte Mann by Graham Greene. Rollo Martins travels to the occupied Vienna after World War II in order to meet his friend there. But he comes just in time for his funeral. Rollo starts to ask what happened and soon realizes that there is something terribly wrong. He wanders through the destroyed Vienna and gets more and more disillusioned ... a good read

first published 1950 in English

dec 2, 2019, 11:00 pm

Slightly belated happy new thread, Paul.

dec 3, 2019, 3:51 am

Thanks Paul for visiting

Bewerkt: dec 3, 2019, 8:12 am

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

Bewerkt: dec 3, 2019, 8:14 am

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

dec 3, 2019, 7:43 am

Happy new thread, Paul.
I like the pictures, they are beautiful.
>13 paulstalder: I hope, you meant the last one only for this year.
>16 paulstalder: This one I have to read in the new future. I've only read one book by Graham Greene (long ago) - Unser Mann in Havanna - I loved it.

dec 3, 2019, 2:16 pm

>19 charl08: >20 charl08: speak up, Charlotte, I can't hear you :) I hope I didn't make you totally speechless

>21 SirThomas: Thanks, Thomas, you're right I meant 2019 because it is almost impossible to get over 100 messages in these few weeks...
Der dritte Mann is an easy read. I would suggest to take the foreword as an afterword

dec 3, 2019, 2:45 pm

I was at a funeral today of a former colleague of mine (he was teaching Greek, was publishing books, organizing Bible and art exhibition ...). And this was offered at the meal afterwords:

these are all vegetable cakes, with different vegetables like eggplants, olives, etc. or tuna.
It was all cooked by the same caterer who cooked at Suki's funeral

dec 3, 2019, 3:07 pm

Happy new thread, Paul!

>16 paulstalder: I've never read the book, but I very much enjoyed the 1949 movie, with Joseph Cotten and Orson Welles.

>23 paulstalder: My condolences. Those are quite unusual cakes. Were they sweet? I thought the first one might be cream cheese, given the choice of toppings.

dec 3, 2019, 3:49 pm

>24 harrygbutler: Hej Harry, thanks. No, none of the cakes were sweet. They used cream cheese and sour cream (Crème fraîche).

dec 3, 2019, 3:59 pm

>16 paulstalder: I read this book and saw the movie as well. Once in Vienna, we took part in a tour of the book and film. We were on and in all locations and it was very interesting.

>23 paulstalder: My condolence. These cakes look yummy.

dec 4, 2019, 3:52 am

>26 Ameise1: Hej Barbara. I probably should take such a tour next time Vienna. Is that an official tour from the tourist bureau?

Thanks for the condolences. I learned a lot from him about art and archaeology. He was dealing with color productions (Farbserigrafie) of Chagall's works, 1st century oil lamps from Israel, old French parchments of Biblical texts ... He also was able to find the two in Basel surviving models of the temple mount in Jerusalem by Conrad Schick (one model is now at the Christ Church in Jerusalem).

And thanks for sending me your Adventskalender

dec 4, 2019, 3:59 am

127) In der Krummgasse : Erzählung by Olga Meyer. Dorli is the daughter of a poor shoemaker, she always is late for school because she has to take care of her sick mother and her baby sister. When the dies, the kids were taken away from from the father because he was given to drinking too much. The neighbour's boy was sad and started to think what he could do to better his friend's and her father's situation ... a lovely childen's story published around 1930.

first published 1930 in German in Switzerland

Olga Meyer was a Swiss teacher whose stories she told her pupils were later printed. She was the first one to initiate a collection of literature for school.

dec 4, 2019, 4:47 am

128) Der Apostel Paulus und sein Evangelium als Autorität für den Glauben by Theodor Öhler. The author argues that Paul's authority stems from his experience of the risen Christ on his way to Damascus. Luke in Acts and Paul himself never mention anything 'ecstatic' or 'visionary' about that experience, they take it as real event. Paul's authority does not lay within his own thoughts and ideas but is always based and referred to Christ's revelations to Paul. He clearly differentiates between his own ideas and what Christ has told him. ... A short treaty on the question of Paul's authority as proclaiming God's word.

first published 1907 in German in Switzerland

dec 6, 2019, 5:12 pm

129) Mit Sofie auf der Alp : Nach einer wahren Begebenheit by Salome Siegenthaler-Lüthi. Sofie, a pre-schooler likes to go up to the alp during summer time. This summer her friend from kindergarten is visiting her. But then her mosatr loved cow Sünneli disappears in a crevice and a helicopter has to come up in order to safe the cow ... a lovely children's book about life on a alp.

first published 2016 in German in Switzerland

Bewerkt: dec 6, 2019, 5:25 pm

Mit Sofie auf der Alp : Nach einer wahren Begebenheit by Salome Siegenthaler-Lüthi

Sofie's friend comes up to the alp with a small cable train

a helicopter pulls a cow out of a crevice

dec 6, 2019, 5:50 pm

130) Herzlichen Glückwünsch, Pauli by Brigitte Weninger. Rabbit Pauli's birthday is coming up. His biggest wish is someone to have time for him. So his biggest gift he received on his big day was - not gift wrapped - his grandparents ... a good story about the importance of grandparents for the kids.

first published 2000 in German in Switzerland

dec 6, 2019, 5:51 pm

Pauli's family wishes him all the best for his birthday

dec 7, 2019, 3:17 pm

131) Der Boden unter den Füssen : eine Fantasie by Christoph Keller. Lion is building bridges but then a bridge he built broke and took several people into the deep. He left the building company and is wandering around in his garden, where different people show up and disappear. And the garden is growing day by day. First he took walks for a few hours, then for days - all in his garden.... started off quite interesting with the inexplicable growth of the garden but then gets mor and more lost in strange ideas about describing the forests, rivers, caves etc in the 'garden'. First I was pleased (I like the idea of a growing garden) then got disappointed.

first published 2019 in German in Switzerland

dec 7, 2019, 3:35 pm

132) Pauline Pechfee by Ursula Poznanski. Pauline is a new fairy and is on her first mission to bring happiness to the people. She sprinkles some fairy dust on a woman who tries to catch the bus, but then the woman stumbles over her own feet and falls to the ground - Pauline is appalled and thinks she is a bad luck fairy instead a good luck one ... a nice children's book about 'luck once removed'.

first published 2007 in German in Austria

dec 8, 2019, 11:55 am

133) Tom, das Schiff und die Menschenhändler by Detlef Eigenbrodt. Tom is a blue bird falling asleep under a tarp and wakes up when far out on the sea. He hears talks about shutting away the children and about the old lady not making it through that. He is afraid being on a ship of kidnappers and wants to help the kids get away. But the girl he wants to save, starts laughing and explains that they call their ship 'the old lady' and that there was a storm coming why the kids had to go under deck ... a lovely tale of the adventures of a stray bird on a mission ship

first published 2005 in German

Bewerkt: dec 8, 2019, 10:54 pm

Just dropping by quickly to wave *hello!*

>1 paulstalder: Who can blame them for wanting that photo on their cover?

>23 paulstalder: Condolences Paul. That food is beautifully colourful.

dec 9, 2019, 3:20 am

>37 humouress: Thanks for passing by.

The caterer for the food works with refugees who came to Switzerland, and so they share different food ideas and put them new together. And these people are so happy to talk about their food and their home country.

dec 11, 2019, 2:34 pm

>35 paulstalder:

Pauline brings this woman to fall with her stardust

dec 11, 2019, 2:40 pm

134) Das Krippen-Spiel : ein fröhliches Kindertheater by Nick Butterworth. Lisa and Patrick are preparing for the nativity play for school, Lisa is an angel, Patrick a shepherd. A nice little Christmas story

first published 1985 in English

dec 11, 2019, 3:15 pm

135) Er hat dich erlöst by Samuel Limbach. An evangelistic sermon Limbach preached in 1911 in Göppingen (Baden-Württemebrg). He explains the Gospel in very precious terms and words. The message is still the same today.

first published 1911 in German

Samuel Limbach was a Swiss missionary who worked for the Basler Mission in India and then was pastor in Germany and Switzerland

dec 11, 2019, 3:45 pm

>38 paulstalder: Well, they’ve done an amazing job! I had assumed it was traditional Greek food and a way of making a sad time more positive.

Bewerkt: dec 11, 2019, 3:53 pm

>42 humouress: I think, it was some Greek in it :)

We had the same caterer when my wife died (she chose her), and Suki wanted us to celebrate her arrival in heaven. Because my wife like Psalm 23 (the shepherd leading us) they decorated everything with sheep made from cauliflower and other vegetables. Despite the sad occasion we had many smiles when people saw these sheep and remembered how often Suki was talking about sheep :)

dec 11, 2019, 4:01 pm

136) König Elch by Ulf Stark. Elk should become king of the forest but he feels so insecure and unworthy. He is jealous about what other animals can do (flying, climbing, singing etc.). When other animals ask him for advice he tells them to think about it themselves - and that did in the end actually hep them and so they made elk their king.... an interesting children's story about being oneself and being humble.

first published 2013 in Swedish

dec 12, 2019, 5:34 am

137) Lieder von der Aare by Hedwig Dick. Poems by this Swiss woman who was a teacher with her whole heart. The poems tell something of her loss: several poems refer to a loved one (friend? lover?) who is gone (gone away? dead?), and the longing which stayed. Another picture she often used, are clouds: their flimsiness, their instability, their always-on-the-move. She used a very expressive, full language.

first published 1923 in German in Germany

Bewerkt: dec 12, 2019, 5:53 am

Lieder von der Aare by Hedwig Dick (1882–1969)


Drum ist es wohl gekommen,
Dass ich voll Unrast bin:
Ein Wölklein kam geschwommen
Über den Hügel hin.

Als wie ein lichter Bote
Von heimwehfernem Strand,
So zogs im Abendrote
Und leuchtete und schwand.

So bist auch du gekommen,
Ein Traum aus andrer Welt,
Und leuchtend, ach, verglommen,
Wie das Wölklein am Gezelt.

I think this poem expresses quite good the mood/temper of the whole book: the longing compared with the wandering of a cloud

That is how it happened
That I am full of restlessness:
A cloudlet came swimming
Over the hill.

Like a bright messenger
From a shore, homesick stricken,
Rolling by in the sunset glow,
glowed and flashed and was gone.

So you came, too,
A dream from another world,
And glowed, glimmered away,
Like the little cloud on heaven's tent.

Bewerkt: dec 13, 2019, 5:35 am

Graue Tage

Nun sind sie da, die grauen Tage
Mit ihrem dumpfen Einerlei.
Und jeder rinnt so trostlos öde,
So unerlebt an mir vorbei.

Kaum dringt durch dichte Nebelschleier
Ein mattes Licht, so glanzlos fahl,
Und ist, als ob der Tag sich wände
In harter, stummer Todesqual.

Und dort, wo gelb der Ginster blühte -
Weisst du es noch? Wie liegt es weit -
Dort schleicht mit geisterblassen Zügen
Und irrem Tritt die Einsamkeit.

Doch immer ists in diesen Tagen,
Da ihm in Grau die Welt zerrinnt,
Dass sich das Herz auf seine Träume,
Die längst vergessenenen, besinnt.

Und, dass nach fern versunknen Stunden
Wildjähe Sehnsucht es befällt,
Bis es, den grauen Tag vergessend,
In seinen Tiefen Einkehr hält.

Gray Days

Now here they are, the gray days
With their dull monotony.
And each one runs so bleakly desolate
So un-lived past me.

Hardly penetrates through thick fog
So dull pale a dim light,
And it's as if the day is changing
To hard, dumb agony.

And where the gorse bloomed yellow -
Do you still remember? How long ago that was -
Loneliness creeps with deadly pale features
And maddening steps.

But it's always these days
Since its world is melting away in gray,
That the heart contemplates on its dreams
The long forgotten ones.

And that after hours were sunken away,
Wild yearning longing strikes
Until forgetting the gray day
In its depths it retreats.

dec 12, 2019, 6:12 am

>43 paulstalder: That is sweet. I’m glad it gave you something to smile about at a sad time.

dec 12, 2019, 2:46 pm

dec 12, 2019, 4:57 pm

138) Simons Weihnacht by Anneliese Lussert. Simon, a very rich man, hears rumors about a king looking for accommodation for his son. So he tells his wife, who walks on a stick, to light all the lights in the house. Then a beggar knocks at the door and asks for a room for his son. But the rich man turns him away. His wife gives some food. The beggar thanks her and takes her stick away, and she is healed. Now Simon gets thinking ... a well told story about the blinding effect of riches.

first published 1995 in German in Switzerland

dec 12, 2019, 7:09 pm

>49 paulstalder: Cute! No wonder you smiled.

dec 15, 2019, 2:54 pm

139) Mutterland : Roman by David Albahari. The first person narrator interviewed his mother shortly after his father died and recorded what she was telling him about life and death in former Yugoslavia and the braking down of this nation. There are things his mother refuses to talk about (like her childhood) and tells him that life is you've lived and not thinking about ifs in the past. He is telling that history to a Canadian friend, a writer, he got to know after his emigration to Canada. And he realizes how different the understanding of history and language is in North America and Europe. --- some good passages and ideas, but the writing was far too self reflective about 'how' to write

Interesting details about war and faith in former Yugoslavia, the mother converted to Judaism in order to be with her first husband and she found kind of a refuge in the Jewish community which she kept when marrying another Jew after World War II.
The narrator wants to became a writer in Canada but mentions that far too often. 'If I could write, I would ...', this sentence appears more than a dozen times in the book (a bit annoying after a bit).
Interesting is also the discussion of life: is life a place? is life a multitude of possibilities or do you no other chance than to live the life you live?
History: Europeans do have a long history, we live in it. North American do often not understand that because their history is comparatively short. The narrator and his friend never agree on 'history', especially questions about 'what was before I came around'. (I made that observation in a shocking way when visiting the Mississippi Museum in Memphis TN myself. The first room was dedicated to the history of the First Nations - the 20 something rooms afterwards are basically the history of Europeans and Africans in the USA.)

first published 1996 in Serbian

dec 15, 2019, 3:07 pm

140) Winterzeit in der Amselstrasse : Geschichten von grossen und kleinen Leuten, die zum Backen, Basteln und Nachdenken anregen sollen by Ursula Häbich. Short stories for younger children about other children all living in the same street. A handicapped boy throws gold-paper-stars out of his window with the call for other children to come around to play with him. Stefan comes by and together they start as Christmas elves, making small gifts to other people ... a girl steels something on the market in order to give to a friend, but she gets a bad conscious and goes back to confess and pay for the small goods she stole ... 17 Christian stories with baking recipes for cookies and some riddles to solve.

first published 1987 in German

Bewerkt: dec 16, 2019, 11:13 am

>52 paulstalder: I *love* the writing of David Albahari. I've read Götz and Meyer and also Leeches by this author. Both of these were five-star reads for me although the subject matter was very dark. My mom grew up in the former Yugoslavia in what is now Croatia, She escaped from Nazi Europe, but her parents were not as lucky,. They died in Auschwitz. I had the good fortune to travel through Yugoslavia in 1974, but I was not able to visit the area in which she grew up as I was traveling along the Adriatic coast.

I'd read anything else Albahari wrote if I could get my hands on his other work.

By the way, I love your eclectic reading selections. it's quite my taste in boos! :D

>53 paulstalder: Are you going to try some of those recipes? :D

dec 17, 2019, 3:42 am

>54 SqueakyChu: This book by Albahari has whether chapters nor paragraphs, so one single block of text. Which makes it difficult to stop somewhere and find the right place again. His style is sometimes repetitive. His thoughts about history and place are quite interesting.

There was one recipe in Winterzeit in der Amselstrasse which I did the easy way: a bought an already made dough :) another recipe is quite simple and I probably gonna try it out.

my taste in boos! :) what do you boo at?

dec 17, 2019, 5:36 am

141) Zwei Sonnen am Himmel by Federica De Cesco. Hoan is a young officer from Atlantis on a ride to get new slaves from the island of the Amazons. The women fought fiercely and they burn down one ship of the Atlanteans but princess Langsen was captured by Hoan and brought back to Atlantis. At the same time a second sun appears in the sky and all the prophets proclaim the end of Atlantis ... am adventure fantasy for young adults, an easy read.

first published 1972 in German

That book was a birthday present I gave my sister in 1974.

Bewerkt: dec 17, 2019, 11:34 am

>55 paulstalder: I will read books with no chapters or paragraphs as long as the writing is captivating. Read some of Albahari's other books!

I love interesting recipes from cookbooks as I'm a terrible cook, but a great recipe follower! I have quite a varied collection of cookbooks. My main problem is not enough time to try out all of the recipes I want.

dec 19, 2019, 3:20 pm

>57 SqueakyChu: Do you know Little Library Cookbook? I took it home from the library recently and will have a look at it after Christmas. Looks quite interesting.

I'm a terrible cook, but a great recipe follower sounds familiar :) I need a recipe, otherwise ...

dec 19, 2019, 3:28 pm

142) Zwölf mal Polt : Kriminalgeschichten by Alfred Komarek. 12 short stories about this Austrian 'Gendarmerieinspektor' (police inspector in Austrian German). The first story tells us about his first day as a policeman in this village in Weinviertel: He goes on patrol with a colleague. They catch a drunk driver but the colleague let him go and gets some sausages for his looking away. But then the driver hits a cyclist and kills him. But is the freshman's reaction? ... other stories are about his getting the mystery of the dead Japanese tourist in a barrel of wine mash solved ... or his getting children, twins ...a good read

first published 2011 in German in Austria

dec 19, 2019, 6:34 pm

>58 paulstalder: I don't know that cookbook!

dec 20, 2019, 4:04 am

>60 SqueakyChu: The book starts with the epitaph: “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.” ― C.S. Lewis. I agree full hearted

dec 20, 2019, 6:31 am

>59 paulstalder: I hope you can make it to 150 books this year, Paul.

Have a great weekend.

dec 20, 2019, 11:09 am

>61 paulstalder: My favorite thing C.S. Lewis wrote!

dec 20, 2019, 4:15 pm

>62 PaulCranswick: Thanks, Paul, 150 would be great :)

>63 quondame: definitely a good one

Bewerkt: dec 20, 2019, 10:42 pm

>61 paulstalder: “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.”
I very much agree as well!

dec 21, 2019, 7:39 pm

>56 paulstalder: I loved all Federica de Cesco books I have read, Paul. I will look for this one.

dec 23, 2019, 11:52 am

>65 SqueakyChu: :)

>66 FAMeulstee: My sister was very fond of her books. I like her stories from different cultural backgrounds.

dec 23, 2019, 11:55 am

143) Mumins lange Reise by Tove Jansson. Moomin and his mother are on a journey to find a good place for winter and build a house there, and the are also trying to find Moominfather ... The beginning: that's how they found Moomin Valley . A good read

first published 1945 in Swedish

Bewerkt: dec 24, 2019, 5:16 pm

144) In the month of Kislev : a story for Hanukkah by Nina Jaffe. The poor kids are smelling the Chanukah latkes of the rich man and get fined for stealing that smell ... a great story from Poland.

first published 1992 in English

I told that story at our family Christmas reunion yesterday.

dec 23, 2019, 1:54 pm

>69 paulstalder: Speaking of eating latkes. I'm making quite a few of them for my family and friends at a gathering in my home this coming Sunday. It's always a festive and very NOISY time...but fun.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year! Thanks for your friendship, Paul.

dec 24, 2019, 4:53 am

I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a peaceful time.

dec 24, 2019, 5:40 am

>70 SqueakyChu: I never made latkes, I probably try it these days. I often make rösti (our Swiss traditional potato menue) but that's without eggs. Suki made similar things with different vegetables - Korean style.
Thanks for your friendship, too.

>71 SirThomas: Thank you, Thomas.

I am in bed at the moment, sniffing and coughing. Time to keep warm and reading ... no celebrations apart from living out C. S. Lewis' quote :)

dec 24, 2019, 12:40 pm

Have a comfy, caring, and very

Merry Christmas!

dec 24, 2019, 4:57 pm

>73 quondame: Thank you, Susan

dec 24, 2019, 5:07 pm

145) Oliver Twist : bearbeitet für die Ravensburger Taschenbücher by Charles Dickens. Oliver's mother dies at his birth and the boy grows up in an almshouse .... a gripping story of growing up poor and orphaned in London. I always suffer with Oliver when I read the story or watch the movie.

first published 1837/38 in English

dec 25, 2019, 4:48 am

Get well soon, Paul.
But with books the hardships of life are bearable.

dec 25, 2019, 7:35 am

>76 SirThomas: thanks, Thomas, being able to read makes it definitely bearable :)

dec 25, 2019, 7:39 am

146) Sturm im Mumintal by Tove Jansson. A vulcano erupts and brings a flood to the Moomin Valley and they have to leave their house. A theatre is drifting by and they move house - even though they do not know what a theatre is and wonder about the people you must have lived in this strange house ... a funny and good read, especially when laying in bed with a cold.

first published 1954 in Swedish

dec 25, 2019, 10:13 am

Merry Christmas, Paul! Get well soon!

dec 25, 2019, 1:54 pm

>78 paulstalder: One of my husband's presents this year -

dec 25, 2019, 3:54 pm

>79 harrygbutler: Thanks, Harry, it's getting better

>80 quondame: ah, a great pleasure to read all the Moomin stories

dec 25, 2019, 4:05 pm

147) Als wir klein waren : Salzteigfiguren von Julie Landis erzählen by Julie Landis. Julie is a crafts teacher (for children and adults). She is creating figurines with salt dough. Here she tells the kids stories about the time they were little and illustrates them with her own salt dough creations.

first published 1981 in German in Switzerland

dec 25, 2019, 4:25 pm

Als wir klein waren : Salzteigfiguren von Julie Landis erzählen

playing wedding day with puppets --- celebrating Christmas

Bewerkt: dec 25, 2019, 5:03 pm

>82 paulstalder: Hope you're feeling better, Paul, and enjoying Christmas day. We ate tamales at my husband's family's home last night. Yum! I love festivities!

For this Chanukah I gave both of my grandchildren "salt dough". The little one got Play Doh, The older one got clay for baking. I can't wait to see what creations they make!

dec 25, 2019, 9:35 pm

Thank you for keeping me company in 2019.......onward to 2020.

dec 26, 2019, 8:40 am

>84 SqueakyChu: I never had tamales. Maybe I should go a Mexican restaurant next year to try some Mexican food :)
My kids were all with other friends or relatives (well, my son was working), so I was alone. In the afternoon I put on three layers of clothing and went to the cemetery, somebody else had lit some candles on Suki's grave. I did some good to go out of the house and get some fresh air.
We still have some salt dough ornaments made by our children - if you store them in a dry place they keep okay for a good time.

>85 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul, for your friendship and your caring. Let's see what 2020 has in store.

dec 26, 2019, 8:41 am

I did make some latkes with apples

Bewerkt: dec 26, 2019, 12:02 pm

>86 paulstalder: Our tamales are Salvadoran as that's the ethnicity of my husband's family. I don't know if they're made the same way in Mexico. Ours are made of masa harina (corn flour) and filled with bits of chicken, chick peas and olives. They are so yummy! They're baked in banana leaves. I want to try to make some myself this coming year. I'd send a picture but we already ate up those we brought home from the party.

My next massive cooking spree will be to make potato latkes for about 20 people coming to my house this Sunday for the last day of Chanukah.

"We still have some salt dough ornaments made by our children - if you store them in a dry place they keep okay for a good time.

I still have a tiny baked clay banana that my daughter made when she was younger and lived at home. She's now in her thirties. The banana is still colorful and in perfect shape.

I know all too well about working on holidays as I'm a retired nurse. This Christmas my daughter-in-law worked (as a labor and delivery nurse) as she is Jewish and my husband's great niece's husband had to work Christmas eve as he's a policeman. We owe a lot to these dedicated people.

Holidays must be so bittersweet for you without Suki.

Wishing you a great New Year, Paul.


>87 paulstalder: Those look fabulous!!

dec 27, 2019, 1:42 pm

>88 SqueakyChu: I know tamales only from a restaurant menue serving Mexican food nearby in Germany. Anyway, next time I will see it somewhere I gonna try it.

So happy Chanukka festivities. Or is there a special saying? in Yiddish or so?

My son's training as a nurse ends next summer. Somehow he is not too annoyed working during Christmas holidays. Your get more time with the people because there are no doctors around :) But sometimes there are annoying relatives who show once a year in the senior people's hospital and complain about the way their parent was badly treated through the year ... but were never around anyway.

dec 27, 2019, 1:55 pm

148) Bei Rotlicht Mord : Krimi aus Paris ; Nestor Burma ermittelt by Léo Malet. A tv starlet shows up in Burma Nestor's privat eye office and wants to hire him as a body guard. But Burma suspects her to lie about her telephone murder threats ... but then she is found dead .. a fun French mystery

first published 1962 in French

dec 28, 2019, 6:10 am

149) Soldier's Heart : Being the story of the enlistment and due service of the boy Charley Goddard in the First Minnesota Volunters by Gary Paulsen. Charley is a farmer's boy in Minnesota, 15, so too young to join the army. But he lies about his age and takes part in the American Civil War. He didn't think that he will be hurt, and that the war will soon be over. But he suffers, seeing all the casualties and wonders why these men (and he) are still fighting on. No suffering is big enough to stop men slaughtering other men.
A captivating short read, based on a real figure

first published 1998 in English

Bewerkt: dec 28, 2019, 11:40 am

>89 paulstalder: In English, you can just say, "Happy Chanukah!". In Hebrew, you say "Chag sameach" which means Happy Holiday.

Truthfully, I was never crazy about working on holidays. It just comes with the job, though. In what area of nursing does your son want to practice?

dec 28, 2019, 4:29 pm

>92 SqueakyChu: Can one say: mazel Chanukka?

My son probably goes on to get more training in radiology (röntgen, mri, ultrasound etc.). Well, we'll see next year :)

Bewerkt: dec 28, 2019, 6:34 pm

>93 paulstalder:. Haha! No. That doesn’t mean anything. Mazel means luck (the noun). Chanukah means Chanukah! Chanukah tova would mean Good Chanukah, but no one says that.

dec 29, 2019, 8:08 am

>94 SqueakyChu: thanks, I was just thinking of 'mazel tov'. There is a Swiss German expression: Masel gha (I had masel) which apparently stems from a Yiddish word

Bewerkt: dec 30, 2019, 11:50 am

150) Jarousseau, der Pfarrer der Wüste by Eugène Pelletan. Jean Jarousseau was Protestant pastor before the French Revolution. A French dragoon who was on his way to America to fight in the independent war there, visited the pastor on the Atlantic coast. The Protestants were chased and persecuted by the Catholic church and the French monarchy under Louis XVI. at the time. Jarousseau's father and grandfather were both church leaders who were killed by the French authorities because of their faith. Jean was expecting the same fate. When he married he made it clear to his bride that he will in all probability be killed fpor his faith. She said yes anyway and she became his faithful wife, illegally, because Protestants were not allowed to marry. She gave birth to six children. Jean wrote a speech defending the Protestant faith and travelled to Paris (1780) in order to meet king Louis XVI. and bring him his epistle. ... A fascinating biography

first published 1885 in French

dec 30, 2019, 11:58 am

Hope you're feeling recovered, Paul.

dec 30, 2019, 12:21 pm

>97 charl08: Thanks, Charlotte, I feel better, my throat is still a bit sore

dec 30, 2019, 12:27 pm

151) Der Dienst der Theologie by Klaus Bockmühl. Bockmühl (1931–1989), a Swiss-Canadian theologian, detects a lack of theological teaching in modern Pietism and shows in this lecture how important the theologian's work is for the life of the church. Evangelism is great but the church needs more theological 'food'.

first published 1976 in German

dec 30, 2019, 5:33 pm

>96 paulstalder: Congratulations on reaching 2 x 75, Paul!

dec 30, 2019, 6:49 pm

>96 paulstalder: Congratulations on the double!

dec 31, 2019, 6:16 am

>100 FAMeulstee: >101 quondame: thank you, I am pleased with my achievement this year. I was able to read some books which are more than 10 years in my possession

dec 31, 2019, 7:58 am

>32 paulstalder: Oh, I love this book and my pupils, too.
Congrats on reaching 150.
Ich wünsch dr en guete Rutsch.

dec 31, 2019, 2:12 pm

>103 Ameise1: Thanks, Barbara, same to you

dec 31, 2019, 2:16 pm

152) Im Licht der Zeit : Epos by Barbara Groher. An epic, poetic call to change our attitude towards nature and each other.. . Somehow the flow is missing, she uses some interesting words and rhymes, but somehow it doesn't stick.

first published 2008 in German in Switzerland

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2019, 2:24 pm

Im Licht der Zeit : Epos by Barbara Groher

Ich bin du.

Erbarmen um des eigenen Selbstes willen?
Selbst das, ein Gottesstrahl.
Keine Wahl!,
das Licht der Welt kennt dich durch sich,
nimm' es an -
und gib!

Das Brot der Nächstenliebe macht alle satt.

Statt Welthungerkrise, Klimakatstrophe
und Krieg
der Sieg des Menschen über sich.

Beginne ich bei mir.

(I am you
Mercy because of my own self?
Even that, a beam of God
No choice!,
the light of the world knows you through itself,
accept it -
and give!
The bread of charity feeds everybody.
Instead of world hunger, climate catastrophe
and war
the victory of man over himself.
I start with me.)

dec 31, 2019, 2:48 pm

153) Im Zeichen der Vier by Arthur Conan Doyle. A young lady asks for Sherlock Holmes' assistance in a family mystery. Her father disappeared in London just after he arrived form India. A few year she starts receiving precious pearls from an unknown man, and now she got an invitation to meet someone who wanted to shed light on the past .... a good read

first published 1890 in English

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2019, 6:35 pm

some add-ons

221) The labours of Hercules by Agatha Christie
- first words: Hercule Poirot's flat was essentially modern in its furnishings.
- first published: 1947
222) Junger Mann : Roman by Wolf Haas
- Mit vier Jahren brach ich mir zum ersten Mal das Bein.
- 2018
223) Die Stadt der wilden Götter : Roman by Isabel Allende
- Alexander Cold schreckte im Morgengrauen aus einem Albtraum auf.
- 2002
224) Im Zug der Versöhnung by Evelyne Schären
- Wer möchte schon so leben - unversöhnt, die Lebensfreude in die Ecke gedrängt, überschattete Beziehungen und Bitterkeit als ständige Begleiter?
- 2012
225) David K. Schmidt : Als Evangelist in Russland, USA und Deutschland by David K. Schmidt
- Als Jüngster unter sechs Geschwistern wurde ich am 19. August 1895 in Katharinenstadt an der Wolga geboren.
- 1969
226) Hans Nielsen Hauge : Ein Wandersmann Gottes by Alfred Hauge
- Bums, bums, bums!
- 1947
227) Karl Freiherr vom Stein : Minister und Christ by Friedrich Seebaß
- Inmitten einer echt deutschen Wald- und Flusslandschaft, in dem kleinen Landstädtchen Nassau an der Lahn, wurde Karl Freiherr vom Stein am 26. Oktober 1757 geboren in einem Schloss, das sein Grossvater am Fusse des Burgberges "zum Stein", wonach das Geschlecht den Namen führte. im Stil der Zeit um 1700 erbaut hatte.
- 1957
228) Das Leben hält manche Überraschung bereit by Elisabeth Rüttener-Tappeiner
- Meine Erinnerung fängt an, als ich etwa drei bis vier Jahre alt war.
- 2009
229) Von Gott berührt - von Gott geführt : Geschichten aus einem Wunder-vollen Leben by Henry Bonsack
- Dieses Büchlein möchte ich meiner lieben Frau Esther widmen, die durch ihre fleissige Mithilfe den Aufbau unseres Gärtnereibetriebes und dessen Erfolg überhaupt ermöglich hat.
- 2005
230) Wegweiser ins Leben : Lebensprinzipien aus neuer Perspektive ; ein Andachtsbuch by Rudi Lack
- "Da qualmt doch Rauch aus dem Dach des Hauses dort am Horizont. Lasst uns doch schnell hinfahren und sehen", meinte mein Freund.
- 2001

-- -- -- --

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2019, 7:10 pm

231) Wiedergefundene Freude am Leben by Martha Zollinger
- Laut schrillte die Wohnungsglocke.
- 1984
232) Der Höhenflug und andere Erlebnisberichte by Kurt E. Koch
- Dem heissen Süden zu geht die Fahrt.
- 1951
233) The man who forgot his wife by John O'Farrell
- I remember when I was a child I used to watch Mr & Mrs.
- 2012
234) A call to spiritual reformation : priorities from Paul and his prayers by D. A. Carson
- Throughout my spiritual pilgrimage, two sources have largely shaped, and continue to shape, my own prayer life: the Scriptures and more mature Christians.
- 1992
235) Post aus Äthiopien : Brautbriefe einer Afrikamissionarin by Elisabeth Peters
- Die Eltern unserer Else sind noch am Leben.
- 2007
236) Aus Israels Geschichte by Fr. Bettex
- Salomo! wie steigt bei diesem Namen vor jedermanns Geist ein Bild des Reichtums und der Weisheit auf!
- 1908
237) Uferschnee : Kriminalroman by Wolfgang Bortlik
- Mister X schimpfte lautlos in sich hinein.
- 2019
238) Landstreicher : Roman by Knut Hamsun
- Zwei Männer kamen vom Nachbardorf her, sie hatten beide dunkle Gesichter und dünne graue Bärte, der eine von ihnen trug eine Drehorgel auf dem Rücken.
- 1928
239) "Verstasch?" : Impulse aus dem Leben von Geri Keller by Walter Wieland
- Mit Geri Keller verbindet mich manche gute und ermutigende persönliche Begegnung, und unser gemeinsames Eintreten für die Versöhnung von beiden Ästen der Reformation: der "offiziellen Reformation" von Huldrych Zwingli und Heinrich Bullinger, und der Täufergemeinde, welche nicht zufällig im Umfeld Zwinglis entstanden ist.
- 2011
240) Das Sonnenblumenmädchen : Roman by Noëlle Châtelet
- Mathilde sitzt im Zug.
- 1999

-- -- -- --

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2019, 7:37 pm

241) 10-Minuten-Geschichten : Geschichten zum Lesen und Vorlesen
- Ein armer Mann sagte einst zu seinen vier Söhnen: "Liebe Kinder, ich habe nichts, was ich euch geben könnte.
- 2011
242) Tod am Cours Mirabeau : ein Provence-Krimi by Mary L. Longworth
- Dei Corallini gefiel Antoine Verlaque ausnehmend gut.
- 2016
243) Und du wusstest von nichts? : Roman by Dagmar Michalina
- "Glückliche Kinder kommen an einem Sonntag zur Welt!" lautete die Antwort meiner Mutter, als ich wissen wollte, an welchem Wochentag ich zur Welt gekommen war.
- 2016
244) Blitz der schwarze Hengst by Walter Farley
- Der Frachtdampfer "Drake" stach von der Küste Indiens in See und kehrte den stumpfen Bug dem Arabischen Meer zu, um heimzufahren.
- 1941
245) Blitz schickt seinen Sohn by Walter Farley
- Seit Tagen ritt der kleine Beduinentrupp durch die unendliche Weite der Grossen Arabischen Wüste.
- 1947
246) Wie einsam sind die Toten : Roman by Mempo Giardinelli
- Ich heisse José, und ich hasse es, wenn Leute, besonders solche, die ich gar nicht kenne, mich mit der grössten Vertraulichkeit Pepe nennen.
- 1985
247) Die Regenbogentruppe : Roman by Andrea Hirata
- An jenem Morgen hockte ich auf einer langen Bank im Schatten eines dicht belaubten Filicium, eines japanischen Baumfarns.
- 2005
248) La storia : Roman by Elsa Morante
- An einem Januartag des Jahres 1941 streifte ein deutscher Soldat, der sich auf der Durchfahrt befand und den Nachmittag frei hatte, ziellos durch das Stadtviertel San Lorenzo in Rom.
- 1974
249) Der Augenblick der Wahrheit : Roman by Leif Davidsen
- Man weiss nie, wann das Dasein zerbricht und das Leben aus der Bahn geworfen wird, das eben noch sorglos und vertraut war und im nächsten Augenblick zum Alptraum wird, wo man in Zeitlupe auf der Stelle zu laufen meint und versucht, aufzuwachen und in die Wirklichkeit zurückzukehren.
- 1997
250) 1492 das geheime Manuskript by Peter Gissy
- Ich heisse Teodor, werde aber Teo genannt.
- 2003

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dec 31, 2019, 7:41 pm

Another resolution is to keep up in 2020 with all my friends on LT. Happy New Year!

jan 1, 2020, 3:30 am

>111 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul, for sending me 111th entry here - happy new 2020

Bewerkt: jan 1, 2020, 3:57 am

I neglected my add-ons, so here come some more:
251) D's Lisa by Lisa Wenger
- Auf dem schönen Platz vor dem Berner Münster hielten drei Kutschen, und vor der einen waren zwei Pferde gespannt.
- 1942
252) Meret Oppenheim - Worte nicht in giftige Buchstaben einwickeln : das autobiografische Album «Von der Kindheit bis 1943» und unveröffentlichte Briefwechsel by Lisa Wenger
- Mein Liebes, nach furchtbaren Suchen habe ich endlich den Brief an Mama von 1934 gefunden.
- 2013
253) Schüsse aus der Steinzeit : Roman by Tony Hillerman
- Shulawitsi, der Kleine Feuergott, Mitglied des Göttlichen Rates und Gehilfe der Sonne, hatte die Rennschuhe an seinen Füssen verschnürt, und zwar so, wie es ihn sein Trainer gelehrt hatte: straff über den Rist.
- 1973
254) Piranhas im Paradies : Petra Delicado löst ihren fünften Fall by Alicia Giménez Bartlett
- Der erste Empfang bestand aus einer Ohrfeige feuchter,klebriger Hitze.
- 2002
255) Der letzte Schnee by Arno Camenisch
- Orapronobis, der Alte hoch oben im Himmel lässt sich dieses Jahr aber Zeit, ...
- 2018
256) Bauen in Graubünden : ein Architekturführer zu 100 zeitgenössischen Bauten by Ralph Feiner
- Graubünden ist das Land der malerischen Bürgerhäuser und dramatischen Landschaften, Graubünden ist das Land der Betonmoderne, die mit gross angelegten Wasserkraftanlagen den Kanton ebenso prägt wie die an einer Perlenschnur aufgereihten Schulhäuser aus den Fünfziger- und Sechzigerjahren.
- 2006
257) Mein wilder Bruder by Mary Elwyn Patchett
- Ein trockenes Blatt raschelte.
- 1954
258) Drei Männer im Schneesturm und andere Geschichten by Meinrad Inglin
- Während der letzten strengen Kälte wurde in einem tiefverschneiten Bergdorf auf unwahrscheinliche Art ein Ärgernis aus der Welt geschafft, dem man das schlimmste Ende vorausgesagt hatte.
- 1970
259) Kudos : Roman by Rachel Cusk
- Der Mann neben mir im Flugzeug war so groß, dass er nicht auf den Platz passte.
- 2018
260) Das Ministerium des äussersten Glücks : Roman by Arundhati Roy
- In der magischen Stunde, wenn die Sonne fort, das Licht noch da ist, lösen sich Heere fliegender Hunde von den Banyanbäumen auf dem alten Friedhof und lassen sich über der Stadt treiben wie Rauch.
- 2017

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jan 1, 2020, 4:28 am

261) Der Schwarze Blitz : die Geschichte eines Panthers by Clark Denis
- Als die Zeit für ihre schwere Stunde herankam, wählte die Panthermutter einen sonderbaren Unterschlupf.
- 1951
262) Ich hätte das Land gern flach : Roman by Christoph Keller
- Am 16. Juni 1993 wurde Bundesrat Hans Lüthi ermordet.
- 1996
263) Die Gnade der Gnädigen : Roman by Max Engel
- Der grossgewachsene Mann, der an einem hellen Sommertag des Jahres 1728 dem Flüsschen Aabach entlang nach Süden marschierte, war unschwer als Hausierer zu erkennen.
- 2003
264) Bibelpflanzen : Predigten aus dem Klostergarten Allerheiligen Schaffhausen by Matthias Eichrodt
- Josef von Arimatäa, der ein Jünger Jesu war - ein heimlicher zwar aus Furcht vor den Juden -, bat Pilatus, dass er den Leib Jesu herabnehmen dürfe; und Pilatus erlaubte es.
- 2013
265) Stil und Moral : Essays by Lukas Bärfuss
- Neulich erinnerte ich mich an eine Begegnung in Maroua, einer Wüstenstadt im Norden Kameruns, an der Grenze zum Tschad.
- 2015
266) Nachricht von der anderen Seite der Strasse : Roman by Lídia Jorge
- Verwunderlich, wie das Leben verlief, die Zeitungen waren anders und die Menschen veränderten sich.
- 1984
267) Die Reise auf den Uetliberg im Junius 1774 by Salomon Schinz
- So wenig wichtig diese Beschreibung Fremden vorkommen mag, wenn sie ausser die Gränzen unsers Vaterlandes hinkommen sollte, so angenehm wird sie doch Euch, meine junge Züricher-Freunde und -Freundinnen, seyn: sie erinnere Euch an das Vergnügen, das viele von Euch auf den Spaziergängen auf diesen unserer Stadt gegen Südwest liegenden steilen Berg hin, mehr und weniger genossen haben: und sie muntert Euch vielleicht auf, öftere dergleichen Spaziergänge, zu Vermehrung euerer Kenntnis in der Natur-Historie, fürzunehmen.
- 1775
268) Lügnerin : Roman by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen
- Am Ende des Sommers stand die Hitze noch immer vor den Haustüren, eingerollt in die Zeitungen und genauso unheilschwanger wie sie.
- 2017
269) Wachtmeister Studers erste Fälle : Kriminalgeschichten by Friedrich Glauser
- Von der Bahnstation bis zur Abzweigung, die als schmale Strasse nach Walkringen führte, war die Strasse noch asphaltiert, es ging noch an, und Polizeikommissär Studer fluchte nicht allzusehr, obwohl es vom Himmel schüttete und ein durchaus unangenehmer Herbstwind pfiff.
- 1989
270) The user experience team of one : a research and design survival guide by Leah Buley
- What makes a team of one special is that you find yourself in situations where you not only see an opportunity for a more user-centered approach, but you also need to lead the charge, bringing others along with you.
- 2013

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Bewerkt: jan 1, 2020, 1:21 pm

271) Spuren im Schnee by Patricia M. Saint John
- Es war Weihnachtsabend.
- 1950
272) Love your neighbour : es geht nicht um mich, aber es ist meine Geschichte by David Togni
- Es ist stockdunkel, mitten in der Nacht.
- 2016
273) Hauptmann Willibald Selberich by Wolfgang Eric Wiesner
- Wenn in der grauen Hafenstadt jemand zum Zwecke der Gesundung in die "Anstalt für geistig Überforderte" abgeholt wurde, so wusste es gleich die ganze Stadt.
- 1960
274) Ajax mein Lebensretter by Mary Patchett
- Die seltsame Buschwildnis Australiens ist, seit ich denken kann, meine Heimat gewesen, und das blieb so, bis ich fünfzehn Jahre alt war und in ein Internat kam.
- 1953
275) The four just men by Edgar Wallace
- If you leave the Plaza del Mina, go down the narrow street, where, from ten till four, the big flag of the United states Consulate hangs lazily; through the square on which the Hôtel de la France fronts, round by the Church of Our Lady, and along the clean, narrow thoroughfare that is the High Street of Cadiz, you will come to the Café of the Nations.
- 1905
276) Glauben. Lieben. Ernten. : Mein Leben für die Unterreichten Indiens by Brother Augustine Jebakumar
- Eine laute, aber sanfte Stimme durchschnitt die stille Nacht.
- 2018
277) Jesus in Burma : auf den Spuren von Adoniram Judson, dem Apostel der Burmesen und Karen by Alexandre Lukasik
- In der Schweiz ragt auf vielen Berggipfeln ein Kreuz in den Himmel - aber im buddhistischen Burma?
- 2018
278) Nur für Grosseltern by Gerdi Stoll
- Als Grosseltern sind wir nun schon über acht Jahre alt.
- 2009
279) Und Ihr sollt ein Segen sein : Ein Praxisbuch für den Umgang mit Menschen anderer Kulturkreise by Ben Naja
- Seit den Anfängen der Geschichte war es Gottes Ziel, den Menschen zu segnen.
- 2019
280) Luftgärten : Kate Brannigans zweiter Fall by Val MacDermid
- Der Fall der verschwundenen Wintergärten.
- 1993
281) Agaton Sax und die verschwundenen Milliardäre by Nils-Olof Franzén
- An einem sehr warmen und sonnigen Sommertag ging - ja, man könnte wohl eher sagen: rannte - ein unerhört aufgeregter Mann auf langen Beinen in seinem Amtszimmer in London hin und her.
- 1967
282) Leben ohne Alltag : kleine Erzählungen by Wilhelm Busch
- "Lieber Herr Pfarrer! Es ist unmöglich, was Sie da vorhaben. In der ersten Nacht schon werden Ihre Zelte abmontiert und auf dem Schwarzen Markt verscheuert."
- 1954

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jan 2, 2020, 1:32 am

>96 paulstalder: Congratulations for reaching the double 75 Paul - and the best wishes for 2020!

jan 2, 2020, 3:40 pm

>116 SirThomas: Thanks Thomas

jan 2, 2020, 4:28 pm

statistics for December

2349 pages, 28 books,

26 books were written in German, in 2 English, and 0 in Swiss German

nationalities: CH 7, D 6, A 3, GB 4, F 2, S 1, SF 1, SRB 1, USA 2

dead 13, alive 14
male 15, female 12

2 books by Tove Jansson

oldest 1907, newest 2019 (book, my copy)
oldest 1837, newest 2019 (work, first published)

I added 0 bookmarks and 68 books to my collections