Children's Fantasy Novel - Historical Fiction and a bit of a fairy tale

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Children's Fantasy Novel - Historical Fiction and a bit of a fairy tale

okt 21, 2020, 3:56 am

Hi friends I've been trying to find this book I loved reading growing up for years now
- I think I read it in 2011 and I'm pretty sure it earned one of those silver nobel prizes
- It's about these two sisters
- Their mother died, their father left them to find work in america and he sends money to their aunt and uncle's home where they are staying
- the sisters don't get the money and are treated poorly by the aunt and uncle and their three daughters
- one of the three daughters are supposed to be wed to this old man because they made a deal but the Aunt doesn't want to sell her daughter so she choses to sell one of the sisters instead
- the older sister runs away
- i think she is caught by this old man that locks her up and makes her spin hay? he tries to bed her which is gross and there is another young beautiful girl who has been locked up there
- my memory is pretty foggy but i know that the sisters managed to board a ship to america to find their father and the younger sister get's really sick a lot of the people on board do
- the older sister makes a deal with death and outsmarts him
- in the end the younger sister is nursed back to health
- the older sister recieves backlash because she could have saved a lot of lives but she was selfish and only tried to do something when it was her younger sister
- the blacksmith who lost his daughter saves the younger sister and I think adopts her??
- the older sister befriends a boy her age
- thats all i can remember but i have a hunch that the title had something to do with "moon"

okt 21, 2020, 11:31 am

okt 21, 2020, 5:05 pm

Newberry Honor books have a silver medal. A surprising number have "moon in the title". I went back to 1959 and nothing with or without moon seems to match your plot description.