T2 and TBar in Adelaide South Australia


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T2 and TBar in Adelaide South Australia

Bewerkt: mei 7, 2021, 9:42 am

I’ve drank tea almost my whole life or at least as long as I can remember. Granny and my mum always had a teapot brewing beside the fire in Scotland or on the hob. I used to add milk and sugar but now I add nothing but I drink mainly green tea. The subject shop names are two of my favourites and between my daughter and I we have so many varieties. So much so I designed my new kitchen around having slim shelved cupboards all along the back of my sink and bench area (it’s open plan) and if just fits tea boxes! My daughter’s favourite is TBar Roobus but my husband is a dedicated Twinnings Irish Breakfast man and nothing else apart from a biscuits or cake! He has a teaspoon of sugar but none of us take milk in tea. Oops, forgot to say we immigrated t ok South Australia 1982 but I still miss Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿