Need help : 1 book but 0 work ???? !!!... ???

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Need help : 1 book but 0 work ???? !!!... ???

Bewerkt: jun 8, 2021, 7:51 am

Pb :
I add a book but it isn't in works of this Author (François de La Roque**)

1) This book is
I add from
with control

2) When I click on "Work-only work page", ther is no member with this work


2 bis) But (see after) here is an other "ork-only work page" ?????????????

Note there are One and just one ISBN

3) When i click on author, there is 1 member with 3 of this book... (Not mine)
Integration came from Amazon ....

Detail :

** 4) For the author : François de La Roque, i Change academic name from De La Roque Francois ==> La Roque, François de and try to combine the different form of name.

5 ) I add some information in CK for this book with others authors and CK (i'll see after this post for CK authors)

After 60 mn and a lot of search and test.... impossible to organize with care this reference and author (combine author, cf 4) or book / works, cf 2) 2 bis)

Is somebody could help me and explain what is the exact manipulation ?
i'm depited and used ;-)


Is it a bug or some other pb ? is it possible to fix the good datas (rather others wich are false)


Add an other pb

When you are on the book (a), click on author (François de La Rocque) open author page with 0 book (b)

and when you search to combine with authors (suggested with alternative name), 0 result... (c) ???




jun 8, 2021, 8:59 am

The work won't show on the author's page if no member has it in their library catalog.

1. and 2. If I remember correctly, a work must be in the member's "Your library" collection for the work to show the member having a copy in the member count. Currently, the work is only in your Wishlist.

3. That looks like a bug to me. The other counts are showing there is only one member with three copies. That's obviously not the same as three members.

jun 8, 2021, 9:01 am

Would you like to wait to combine the two work pages of Pourquoi je suis républicain. Carnets de captivité, or should we do that now?

Bewerkt: jun 8, 2021, 9:41 am

>1 JMK2020: I'm currently digging into this one! Thanks for the report.

>2 aspirit: and >3 aspirit: JMK2020 does have the "0 members" work in his library. The work is not registering fully on the site, which is likely causing the weirdness he's seeing.

As for "a work must be in the member's "Your library" collection for the work to show the member having a copy in the member count", that's not true. If it's in your catalog, regardless of collection, it should be counted. (An example from my Wishlist collection)

You cannot currently combine the works because, although you can add both works to the workbench, when you go to open up the workbench and actually combine the two works, the "zombie" work (JMK2020's work) isn't showing up.

jun 8, 2021, 11:01 am

>4 kristilabrie: the "zombie" work (JMK2020's work) isn't showing up.

Oh. That sounds familiar.

I'd missed the clue in the first link.

jun 10, 2021, 4:11 pm

Closing. The problem appeared to be fixed with other books added. I'll need a fresh example to troubleshoot.

Bewerkt: jun 11, 2021, 9:02 am

Sorry for delay.

There remains one problem : (From fr or com version and this link :

When I click on François de la Rocque (top of page of the book) : a page on 'author opens with 0 books

BUT when I click on François de la Rocque (Add / edit other authors), another age opens and this time there is indeed 1 book for 4 members (in fact 1 member who has 3 entries and me)

When i'm on work (after recalculate), its' OK

Not understand ;-)

Nota bene : 2 name of author are combined :

jun 11, 2021, 9:31 am

I've combined the two authors, now they are here:

There was also a canonical name which was messing everything up so I've removed it.

jun 11, 2021, 11:58 am

>8 norabelle414:
Good job
Tx ;-)