Patron Status: Flagging Patrons


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Patron Status: Flagging Patrons

aug 4, 2021, 9:29 am

Hello, I am fairly new to using Tiny Cat and Library Thing, and am mainly self taught as our old librarian had the system but never used it. Anyway, as a small community college, I was hit hard with patrons not returning books when the pandemic hit, and have had several give no response when contacted. Is there an easy way to block, high light, or flag patrons from being able to borrow books in the future without having to look at the notes of each patron?

Thanks for your time,
Tanya Townsend, Librarian, Beckfield College

aug 9, 2021, 11:25 am

I'm afraid we don't have a way to flag or disable single patrons in your TinyCat, though we have a few improvements that may solve this in the future: we'll be sure to announce any changes on that front.

In the meantime, perhaps you could try adding something to the patron's name field so you know the account is flagged? For example, adding a "(D)" or "(R)" to the name, so you know the account is delinquent or restricted? (Or perhaps a Democrat or Republican :) ) Happy to help think of another solution if this isn't a viable one.

Please let me know if you've any further questions!