Goodreads import - random ISBNs/formats

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Goodreads import - random ISBNs/formats

Bewerkt: okt 18, 2021, 4:41 am

Hi everyone.

I recently imported my goodreads collection.

I have found that the selected editions on Librarything are quite arbitrary. Different formats, covers, ISBNs, etc.

I picked specific editions on GR that matched my ISBNs. Is there a way to preserve them with the import?

And if not, what's the easiest way to get the book in my collection correctly? Do I have to manually delete it and add it from scratch?

okt 19, 2021, 11:31 am

Hi Katrana,

Sorry for the trouble! I'm seeing some missing ISBNs in the file you uploaded for your GR import. Do you mind giving me a handful of examples of the books you're seeing in your LibraryThing catalog that are not the editions you expected to see? I'll be happy to take a closer look to see if anything's awry on our end, thanks in advance for your help and your patience.

Talk to you soon,
Kristi at LibraryThing