adding patrons

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adding patrons

nov 3, 2021, 6:45 am

I am struggling to work out how to add patrons so they can loan books, mine is a home based library. any advice?

nov 3, 2021, 9:42 am

Hi there! I can help with this.

If you're using LibraryThing's basic Lending feature, you can only add patrons when you are adding a Lending status to one of your books:

If, however, you have a free (for personal use only) TinyCat account (see for more info), you can add/import patrons from your TinyCat Admin portal:

Since TinyCat is free for personal use, I'd recommend giving it a go. You'll have more in-depth features for tracking your circulation and patron data, for friends and family, along with your own real online catalog to show off your library! I hope this helps.

Let me know if you have further questions.