Author average rating for all the authors in my library

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Author average rating for all the authors in my library

dec 20, 2021, 4:47 pm

I have asked for this before but do not know if it is coming. I can really use a list of authors in my library and the average rating for each the author's total works.
Having their picture, or non-picture is not of use to me in my research on authors.

dec 20, 2021, 7:00 pm

Asking does not always mean getting.
Not sure what research you're doing, but since star ratings are arbitrary and subjective, I'm not sure what use they could really be.

dec 21, 2021, 7:16 pm

>2 gilroy: All I can tell you is that the author average provided on every individual author page by LibraryThing confirms the average of all the books in the authors book set. I find them incredibly useful to me and informative in the quality of writing for the author. You must not believe in the value of individual book ratings either.

dec 23, 2021, 6:38 am

>1 JFB87: I can see that it would be a fun information to have but why not the distribution of the ratings too?
That would make it easy to see the difference between someone writing some good and some bad books versus someone writing a lot of average books? (Worst case would probably be someone with a lot of books but no ratings :-)

jan 15, 2022, 1:07 pm

>4 bnielsen: That is an excellent idea and would appreciate having that also

jan 16, 2022, 2:44 pm

>5 JoeB1934: I got a bit inspired by this, so I made a tool that takes a bunch of lines and expects the first column to contain work_id's, say 292137 and then looks up corresponding work page, i.e. and extracts the average rating and inserts that as a new column.

So I get something like this for the Gideon books by J. J. Marric.

3.58 292143 En uge med Gideon
4 292136 Gideon og sabotagen
3.57 292141 Gideons sport
3 292137 Gideons fælde
3.43 292130 Gideon fra Scotland Yard
3.94 292140 Gideon og floden
3.6 292135 Gideons mandskab
3.33 292139 Gideon løber en risiko
3.88 292133 Gideon og kidnapperen
3.37 292132 Gideon og mordbrænderen
3.63 292144 Gideons vrede
3.54 566217 Gideons nat
3.44 115374 En måned med Gideon

That can be sorted as:

3 292137 Gideons fælde
3.6 292135 Gideons mandskab
3.33 292139 Gideon løber en risiko
3.37 292132 Gideon og mordbrænderen
3.43 292130 Gideon fra Scotland Yard
3.44 115374 En måned med Gideon
3.54 566217 Gideons nat
3.57 292141 Gideons sport
3.58 292143 En uge med Gideon
3.63 292144 Gideons vrede
3.88 292133 Gideon og kidnapperen
3.94 292140 Gideon og floden
4 292136 Gideon og sabotagen

The only thing wrong with this is that the numbers are very small. The first one Gideons fælde is owned by 44 members but only one has rated it and that was myself, so it is not a surprise to me that I didn't like that book so much.

To sum it up for now: I'm not convinced that we have the numbers to do anything interesting.

I do know that this is not what you asked for in >1 JFB87:, so I'll stop hijacking this thread.