Withdrawing from ER

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Withdrawing from ER

Bewerkt: feb 9, 2022, 10:18 am

How do remove myself from the Early Readers? I went to my ER profile and was only able to delete my mailing address and name. I can't remove my email address and I don't see an *unsubscribe* or however it is I am supposed to go about it. Please advise me.
Thank you

feb 9, 2022, 9:49 am

There should be a deactivate button on the bottom right; it was not appearing, but I just pushed a fix for that, so it should be there in a few minutes. Let me know if you have any problems with it.

feb 9, 2022, 10:22 am

>2 knerd.knitter: - Ok, I did find that now and it worked. Thanks