Print Book List

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Print Book List

mei 14, 2022, 9:25 pm

I'd Like to see a print book library where it would either print a simple list of all the books in your catalog or a more full list including other info about the books

mei 14, 2022, 9:45 pm

Look at the top of the catalog. The print icon is between the Power Edit one (the lightning) and the Settings menu.

Just create a display style (click on the Settings if you never did that before) which gets you the columns you want to see and print and then filter by tag/collection/search criteria (whatever you want printed).

If that is not sufficient for what you want, can you please clarify what exactly you mean?

mei 14, 2022, 10:07 pm

thanks for the info i only joined last week so still finding my feet, i'll give it a try see if i can work it out

Bewerkt: mei 14, 2022, 10:11 pm

LT has a lot of hidden features - you can be here for years and still stumble on them now and again. :)

Welcome to LT!

PS: we also have exports in various formats -

Then you can print from there as well :)