AND/OR problem when searching My Catalogue

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AND/OR problem when searching My Catalogue

apr 13, 2023, 10:00 pm

I was trying to check to see if I had a copy of Fighter for Democracy in my catalogue.
Searching my catalogue for FIGHTER FOR DEMOCRACY reported no books found.
Searching my catalogue for Fighter for Democracy found a copy.
Searching LibraryThing for FIGHTER FOR DEMOCRACY finds the book - it's only a problem when searching My Catalogue with the title fully capitalised.

Checking further:
Searching Fighter fOR Democracy reported no books found.
But searching for FIGHTER FoR DEMOCRACY, FIGHTER FOr DEMOCRACY found the book.
Searching for just FIGHTER FOR also found the book, along with one other title.

It seems that the search is seeing the OR in FOR as an OR statement - except it's not working as an OR command. Searching my catalogue for FIGHTER F OR DEMOCRACY finds the book (along with 91 others with Democracy in one of the fields).

It's only a problem if a word ends in OR. Words containing OR (fOReign, PORt) are handled properly but there's the same problem when searching for words like door, Famine next DoOR Africa, or factor, From Socialism to Islam? Notes on Islam as a Political FactOR in Contemporary Africa.

And there's a similar problem with words ending in AND - eg BAND, Municipality BAND to The Ex, HAND, HAND Delivered Hope.

Bewerkt: apr 14, 2023, 1:01 am

>1 newcrossbooks: Nice work. I like this bug report!

apr 14, 2023, 12:32 pm

I'm asking ccatalfo about this one, but he's out today. Hopefully will have something early next week. Thanks for the clear report!