A Mathematician's Lament


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A Mathematician's Lament

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

apr 18, 2009, 1:45 pm

I just picked up and read a copy of "A Mathematicians's Lament" by Paul Lockhart.

I wildly love it and wildly hate it all at the same time.

I'm in sympathy with the main theme (current educational theory and practice sux), and while I applaud some of his suggestions (show its playful side, introduce games such as chess, go, nim, sprouts, introduce the historical and philosophical dimension and so on), I think his insistence that math is beautiful beause its useless and his rejection of method are both wrong headed.

I agree that math would be beautiful and worthwhile even without applications, but the utility of mathematics does not detract from its beauty. On the contrary, the unexpected utility of the whole notion of abstracting an idealized model from the real world situation is itself a bit of a wonder.

Students need to hear more about that, not less.

Same goes for method. Musician will practice their scales or chords, the dancers will do their barre routines and so on for each artistic discipline which has its own boring drills to get through. Its fun and its playful but its also hard work and discipline too.