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sep 29, 2009, 4:44 am


One of the photos for Jack Canfield is posted by another author from what appears to be a joint appearance. His description not only points to his own web site but also links to his non Jack Canfield book on Amazon.

Which seems to me to be pretty blatant hijacking of a popular author to boost his own sales.

But I defer to the judgment of the group.

FYI, in the short term, rather than flagging the image, I made the other Jack Canfield image the default.

sep 29, 2009, 4:48 am

ANd he did it to a couple of Leslie Nielsen pages too.


Bewerkt: sep 29, 2009, 11:02 am

I would say it should be flagged. The links to his own book on Amazon certainly push it over the line. (He shouldn't even be mentioning his own book, although if he wants to put his name with no link in the description field, that should be okay).