Books about men in their 50s

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Books about men in their 50s

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Bewerkt: dec 12, 2009, 11:09 pm

I was reading the other day Altered States by Anita Brookner and The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks where both main characters are men in their 50s. I can identify myself with them so much that I wonder if there are other books like that. Would appreciate your input and discussion.

dec 12, 2009, 10:56 pm

From the dust jacket of Altered States:
"Alan Sherwood depends on the simple routine of his life (...) Alone in the Swiss border town of Vif, Alan endeavors to reconcile his feelings of guilt and sadness, and to make amend for the mistakes of his life."
Alan was 55.

dec 12, 2009, 11:02 pm

From the dust jacket of The Wedding:
"After thirty years, Wilson Lewis is forced to fac a painful truth: the romance has gone out of his mariage. His wife, Jane, Has fallen out of love with him, and it is entirely his fault."
Wilson was 56.

dec 15, 2009, 5:32 am

Not just about men (and I'm not sure if the age-range is strictly 50-59) but you might like Middle Age by Joyce Carol Oates.

dec 15, 2009, 8:55 am

Richard Russ's books Empire Falls and Nobody's Fool might fall into this category. Both deal with men who deal with major changes in their lives.

dec 21, 2009, 6:14 pm

It's not a book, but I see that TNT has a new TV series, "Men of a Certain Age" that seems to be relevant to your point. It think it is on Monday nights.

In the line of books--I really enjoy the Harry Bosch mystery series by Michael Connelly. I'm quite sure that Harry is in his 50's since he was able to retire from the LAPD.