audiobooks like "Investigative Reports"?


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audiobooks like "Investigative Reports"?

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

Bewerkt: mrt 22, 2010, 2:51 pm

You know the TV show on CBS (or A&E) where they investigate some true crimes? Well, does anyone know of any good audiobooks on this same material? I don't mean a mafia "investigation" (such as Ice Man) or Crime Lab details type things (like Stiff), but something that documents a crime, and its resolution in audio - like Bill Curtis does in Investigative Reports?

okt 20, 2010, 4:29 pm

Have you considered Ann Rule, she has a few true crime investigation audio books and Edna Buchanan would probably also have a few.

okt 25, 2010, 12:21 am

I would suggest 'homicide: a year on the killing streets' by david simon. It is narrated by Reed Diamond, one of cast members of the show 'homicide' based on Simon's book.

okt 29, 2010, 2:33 pm

Have you tried Eric Larson's books? He combines history with investigative type writing. Devil in the White City and Isaac's Storm are two of favorites. You might also enjoy Into Thin Air and other books by Jon Krakauer, who also does that type of writing. There are many along this line; I also enjoy them.