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Annie's Baby: The Diary of Anonymous, a…
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Annie's Baby: The Diary of Anonymous, a Pregnant Teenager (editie 2004)

door Anonymous (Auteur), Beatrice Sparks (Auteur)

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292593,716 (3.1)2
Teenage pregnancy / Teenage mothers / Case studies
Titel:Annie's Baby: The Diary of Anonymous, a Pregnant Teenager
Auteurs:Anonymous (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Beatrice Sparks (Auteur)
Info:HarperTeen (2004), Edition: 1, 256 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Annie's Baby: The Diary of Anonymous, a Pregnant Teenager door Anonymous

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Toon 5 van 5
There is a great question about the validity of the books 'edited' by Beatrice Sparks- mainly the question as to whether or not she wrote the stories herself or did, in fact, edit a diary. This aside Annie's Baby is enjoyable for what it is- a vaguely unbelievable tale of a young girl struggling with pregnancy after sleeping with her boyfriend. Annie, who gets beaten by her boyfriend after telling him she's pregnant, struggles with the idea of being a mother and wonders whether or not she can do this on her own. Is the subject matter relevant to today's youth? Yes, perhaps now more than ever as teen pregnancy is much more common now than it was fifty or so odd years ago. But as a story itself this did little to hold my interest and too often seemed completely unbelievable. Entertaining? Yes, you could say that. Convincing as a true story? Now in that it falls short. ( )
1 stem joyfiction | Dec 21, 2010 |
Although it is very informative, I found it to be poorly written and not believable. I wouldn't recommend it. ( )
  TFS93 | Apr 26, 2010 |
When fourteen year old Annie is raped by her new boyfriend and gets pregnant, she struggles with her guilt and agonizes about what she should do about her pregnancy. ( )
  mrsdwilliams | Sep 21, 2009 |
What a gut wrenching story. A diary from a teenager that at a young age finds out that she is pregnant. She finds out that she is has never been so alone. She finally makes the decision to keep the baby but after the baby is born she fights inner demons and questions as she tries to answer the question Can she do this by herself.
A very intriguing story as it gives the insight of what young girls are going through as they fight the daily struggles of a young mother. I as a mother found this story gut wrenching and very true to life. I recommend this book to every teenager out there male and female alike.
This book rated a 4 out of 5. ( )
1 stem kymmayfield | Sep 4, 2008 |
Annie's was 15 years old and she loved a boy but at least she thought she did. She want had sex with him and she got pregnant annie told him and he beat h er up and stop talking to her. So her mom helped her with everything. Yea i recommend it because its a good book and helps teenage girls think about being in love and having sex with someone you think you llove at a young age.
  hsreader | Jun 25, 2008 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Anonymousprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Sparks, BeatriceRedacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Teenage pregnancy / Teenage mothers / Case studies

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Gemiddelde: (3.1)
0.5 1
1 2
1.5 2
2 11
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3 16
3.5 1
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4.5 1
5 8

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