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Undara Volcano and its lava tubes : a geological wonder of Australia in Undara Volcanic National Park, North Queensland

door Anne Atkinson, Vernon Atkinson

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12Geen1,660,891 (3.5)Geen
A pictorial record of the story of Undara Volcano in Queensland. The lava flow from its eruption is the world's longest from a single volcano and in this flow are many lava caves. As well as many photographs, there are several maps, diagrams and text to explain the geology of the caves, Undara Volcano and its Lava Tubes and how they came to be. The photographs range from aerial views to those of a single crystal and include photographs from Hawaii to show how the lava would have looked as the tubes were forming. The authors, a geologist and her husband who has a keen interest in geology have both been honoured for their exploration of Undara. Also available in paperback.… (meer)
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Anne Atkinsonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Atkinson, Vernonprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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A pictorial record of the story of Undara Volcano in Queensland. The lava flow from its eruption is the world's longest from a single volcano and in this flow are many lava caves. As well as many photographs, there are several maps, diagrams and text to explain the geology of the caves, Undara Volcano and its Lava Tubes and how they came to be. The photographs range from aerial views to those of a single crystal and include photographs from Hawaii to show how the lava would have looked as the tubes were forming. The authors, a geologist and her husband who has a keen interest in geology have both been honoured for their exploration of Undara. Also available in paperback.

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Gemiddelde: (3.5)
3.5 1

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