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door Mark Jonathan and Deborah Oppenheimer (Preface by Richard Attenborough) Harris (Redacteur)

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315286,196 (4.26)6
Chronicles the events and people involved in the rescue of 10,000 children from Nazi territories, and what happened after the war. Official tie-in to the Warner Brothers documentary. First hand account of the extraordinary rescue mission of 10,000 children before the outbreak of World War II. For nine months before the outbreak of World War II, Britain conducted an extraordinary rescue mission. It opened its doors to over 10,000 endangered children, 90 percent of them Jewish, from Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. These children were taken into foster homes and hostels in Britain, expecting eventually to be reunited with their parents. Most of the children never saw their families again. Into the Arms of Strangers recounts the remarkable story of this rescue operation, known as the Kindertransport, and its dramatic impact on the lives of the children who were saved. The book is the companion to the feature-length documentary which was released in the theatres by Warner Bros. in Fall 2000. It contains stories in their own words from the child survivors, rescuers, parents, and foster parents. They recount, in harrowing detail, the effects of the Nazi's reign of terror, the horror of Kristallnacht, the agonizing decision by the parents to send their children away, the journey, the difficulties of adjustment in Britain, the outbreak of war, and the children's tragic discovery afterward that most of their parents had perished in concentration camps. The stories are heartbreaking, but also inspiring. These are the stories of those who survived with the help of others; they are stories about the strength and resolve of children; and most astonishing, these are stories not yet heard about the Holocaust.… (meer)
Auteurs:Mark Jonathan and Deborah Oppenheimer (Preface by Richard Attenborough) Harris
Info:Bloomsbury (2000), Hardcover, 304 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport door Mark Jonathan Harris (Editor) (2000)

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When your student completes reading "The Diary of Anne Frank" and asks for another recommendation, this would make an excellent choice. ( )
  dele2451 | Jan 19, 2019 |
In January of 1933 Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers party came to power. The repercussions of this had far-reaching consequences that reverberate today.

Representing only 1% of the population, approximately 600,000 Jews lived in Germany. Unlike the majority of Germany’s population who lived in rural areas, the Jewish population was highly concentrated in the cities of Germany. ¾ of the Jewish population were employed and were high contributors to society. They were three times more productive than the general population.

Why then, they wondered, were they chosen as brutal targets of a man they perceived would not last long in a government role. German people were, after all, perceived as highly intelligent and surely, the craziness would be temporary. As the inhumanity escalated, why then, they wondered, did the world turn away from stopping this insanity.

On November 9th, 1938, the Nazi’s let it be known, in no uncertain terms, that to be Jewish in Germany meant persecution and a systematic purposeful dissolving of their culture and their existence.

When, on that evening, broken glass was smashed, when, on that evening, 1,000 synagogues were burnt and 7,500 Jewish business’ were destroyed, and when, on that evening 30,000 men were taken away to concentration camps, there was little doubt that Hitler had power and meant business.

Horrified at the brutality, England alone decided that something must be done to save the children. Sadly, the United States turned their backs, thus in effect they were responsible for the death of the innocents.

Quickly, a major, remarkable event occurred. Within a nine month period, the people of England opened their hearts and homes to 10,000 Jewish children. This book is the story, told by some of those children who were transported away from their parents and Into The Arms of Strangers.

Sadly, tragically, of the 10,000 children, a mere 1,000 were re-united with their families. Heartbreakingly displaced, so many of the children never saw their parents again. Throughout the years when no word arrived, all worried and all feared the fate of their family.

At the age of 14, Lorraine Allard arrived in England. Later, she learned both her parents were killed in Auschwitz.

Lory Cahn’s father arranged Kindertransport for her, but at the very last minute could not bear to let her go. As a result, when liberated, she weighed a mere 58 pounds after spending years barely surviving in one concentration camp after another.

Hedy Epstein was fourteen when transported to London. Returning to German after the war, she learned that both parents were murdered at Auschwitz.

Ursula Rosenfeld’s father was taken on the evening of Kristallnach and murdered at Buchenwald.

As she received word that she was to be a refugee in England, ten year old Lore Segal was given directions to find help for her parents and family. At this tender age, the burden was placed on her shoulders to get her parents safely out of Austria. Remarkably, she was successful and her parents were given domestic jobs in Liverpool.

Kurt Fuchel was one of the very lucky children who had the stability of a loving English family with whom he lived for nine years and the great fortune of having parents who survived. However, reunited with his biological parents when he was sixteen initially proved problematic. His life, and theirs, had changed dramatically.

I highly recommend this book and the academy award-winning documentary of The Kindertransport. ( )
14 stem Whisper1 | Jun 25, 2010 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (4 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Harris, Mark JonathanRedacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Oppenheimer, DeborahRedacteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Attenborough, RichardVoorwoordSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Cesarani, DavidIntroductieSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Verwante films
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
A child is an orphan when he has no parents.
A nation is an orphan when it has no children.

Rabbi Joseph Cahaneman of Panevezys
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
in memory of my mother
Deborah Oppenheimer

for my children
Mark Jonathan Harris
To Harold Waterman (ne Hans Wassermann, born Frankfurt), my father-in-law, who was saved thanks to the
Kindertransport, and Daniel Joseph Cesarani, his
grandson, named in memory of Harold's adoptive father
in Germany, who perished in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Eerste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Looking back, I had a wonderful childhood.
[Preface] Like the many people who speak in this book, my life was transformed by the outbreak of the Second World War.
[Introduction] In January 1933 Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party came to power in Germany and a storm broke over the heads of German Jews.
[Postscript] After the war the children of the Kindertransport dispersed to all parts of the globe.
Laatste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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(Klik om weer te geven. Waarschuwing: kan de inhoud verklappen.)
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
This is the book; do not combine with the movie, ISBN 079075309X.
ISBN 074755269X is for the book, not the video.
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Chronicles the events and people involved in the rescue of 10,000 children from Nazi territories, and what happened after the war. Official tie-in to the Warner Brothers documentary. First hand account of the extraordinary rescue mission of 10,000 children before the outbreak of World War II. For nine months before the outbreak of World War II, Britain conducted an extraordinary rescue mission. It opened its doors to over 10,000 endangered children, 90 percent of them Jewish, from Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. These children were taken into foster homes and hostels in Britain, expecting eventually to be reunited with their parents. Most of the children never saw their families again. Into the Arms of Strangers recounts the remarkable story of this rescue operation, known as the Kindertransport, and its dramatic impact on the lives of the children who were saved. The book is the companion to the feature-length documentary which was released in the theatres by Warner Bros. in Fall 2000. It contains stories in their own words from the child survivors, rescuers, parents, and foster parents. They recount, in harrowing detail, the effects of the Nazi's reign of terror, the horror of Kristallnacht, the agonizing decision by the parents to send their children away, the journey, the difficulties of adjustment in Britain, the outbreak of war, and the children's tragic discovery afterward that most of their parents had perished in concentration camps. The stories are heartbreaking, but also inspiring. These are the stories of those who survived with the help of others; they are stories about the strength and resolve of children; and most astonishing, these are stories not yet heard about the Holocaust.

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