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I Survived: The Shark Attacks of 1916 door…
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I Survived: The Shark Attacks of 1916 (editie 2010)

door Lauren Tarshis (Auteur), Scott Dawson (Illustrator)

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In July, 1916, Chet Roscow is fascinated by news accounts of the great white shark said to be attacking people along the New Jersey shore not far from his home, but when he goes swimming in Matawan Creek he discovers the truth of the stories.
Titel:I Survived: The Shark Attacks of 1916
Auteurs:Lauren Tarshis (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Scott Dawson (Illustrator)
Info:Scholastic (2010), Edition: 8.2.2010, 112 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916! door Lauren Tarshis

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{My thoughts} – Chet is a young boy that has been forced to move around a lot. His dad seems to have problems settling down in one place. He also seems to be under the impression that moving around until you find a means of striking it rich is the best way to raise a family.

His mom doesn’t seem to be bothered by it all. She fully supports his dad’s solutions to making money for the family to survive.

This last time his dad decided to pack up and move to California. Chet didn’t go with, instead he stayed with his uncle. He’d managed to make a handful of friends and leaning that a certain girl in his class really liked him.

Chet and his friends each pull pranks on each other as a means to pass the time. The first prank his friends do is pretend to be a shark. Chet doesn’t like the prank or the outcome nor does he fully understand it until his uncle explains it to him. After that Chet decides to get even. He pulls an epic prank and it causes his friends to get really mad and angry to the point they stop talking.

A few days after Chet goes down to the creek to try and make right with his friends. While he is swimming he had a run in with the shark. He goes to town and explains to everyone what he’s seen, no one believes him until he talks to an old boating captain.

Chet goes back to the creek and his buddies are there playing in the water. He yells to them to get out but they ignore him thinking it another prank. Eventually the shark shows up and the boys start to see things much more differently.

His buddies end up having to save him from the shark, however, that isn’t until after a chunk of his thigh was bitten off. Chet ends up in the hospital but at least he survived. So many others dies from the attacks. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
Creepy and kind of amazing -- I love that Tarshis gives us the context of the times -- that people really didn't believe that sharks would ever attack a human in 1916, that this unbelievable incident took place. I also appreciate that even in a really short book she works in themes that resonate with kids -- in this case, Chet's feelings of displacement and difficulties learning how to fit in now that he's in a settled place for a while. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
I love this series of fictionalized eye-witness accounts of historical events written for kids. They focus on a wide variety of events from the destruction of Pompeii in AD 79 to the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The stories mix facts with a fictionalized story told by a child who was there for the event.

Each book is around 100 pages long and the audio books range from 1 to 1.5 hours, so the series is perfect length for use in a classroom situation or for at-home reading.

I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916 is about shark attacks in the creeks along the Jersey Shore that summer. The attacks didn't just happen on the sea shore, but in Matawan Creek nearby as well. Swimmers in a creek did not expect to see a shark....and back then it was even believed that sharks would not attack humans.

Chet Roscow is staying in New Jersey with his uncle, helping him at his diner. His parents are in California trying to make his father's latest business venture work. Chet makes friends with some boys, and life seems to be settling down for him. Then, the newspaper headlines start talking about swimmers being killed by sharks at the beach. Chet sees a shark in Matawan Creek and tries to tell everyone about it, but most think he imagined it or the newspaper stories scared him. He walks down to the creek, and even his own friends refuse to get out of the water. Until they also see the shark. Can they escape with their lives?

There are 16 books in the I Survived series, with a new book scheduled to come out in September 2018. ( )
  JuliW | Nov 22, 2020 |
The I Survived series are amazing stories that transport the reader in the historical event of a disaster. The book places the setting before the disaster strikes and takes the reader through the life of an unsuspecting character that will survive to tell the tale. The books are great to introduce notable disasters and can lead to discussion why it would be important to learn from these experiences. ( )
  Machuca_jess | Nov 20, 2020 |
Chet is the new kid in town, living with his uncle and helping out at his diner. It's here that locals start talking about the newspaper accounts of sharks attacking people in the ocean not far from their town. But it's 1916 and no one has ever been attacked by a shark this far north before ... could it be real or not? Chet is about to find out.

So for many years now, I've been seeing these "I Survive" books fly off the shelves at libraries and have wondered what makes them so great that kids love them immensely. I decided to download several e-book titles to evaluate them, selecting some books with events I knew a decent amount about already, events I knew a little bit about already, and events I really didn't know anything about previously. This book fits into the second category.

I found this book riveting. The beginning does deal with some of Chet's home problems (always moving, trying to make friends, etc.) but the shark problem is introduced so early on that the reader is always aware of the danger. It probably helped for me that the locale is not far from my last job so I can envision the place (if not necessarily the time period) super easily. The story could be scary but is handled tactfully so that it is adventurous but not gratuitous.

Back matter describes which parts of the books were true and which were fictionalized. (I wish more historical fiction did this!) Some additional facts are included here as well. Black-and-white illustrations throughout are not necessary to tell the story but are a good addition for kids who are more visual or might just want a break in the text for a moment. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Sep 7, 2020 |
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A feeling of terror came over ten-year-old Chet Roscow, a chill deep down in his bones.
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In July, 1916, Chet Roscow is fascinated by news accounts of the great white shark said to be attacking people along the New Jersey shore not far from his home, but when he goes swimming in Matawan Creek he discovers the truth of the stories.

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