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Faithful door Kim Cash Tate
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Faithful (editie 2010)

door Kim Cash Tate (Auteur)

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751371,837 (3.69)Geen
Kim Cash Tate's debut novel celebrates the power of female friendship and the never-ceasing faithfulness of God. Cydney Sanders thought she knew God's plan for her life. She'd marry, have kids, and then snap her body back into shape with exercise. But she's celebrating her fortieth birthday as the maid of honor at her little sister's wedding - and still single. Now her life is suddenly complicated by the best man. He's the opposite of what she wants in a husband - and yet, he keeps defying her expectations. Starting with a lavender rose-symbolizing enchantment-each rose he sends her reflects his growing love for her. Cydney's best friend Dana appears to have the perfect marriage-until she discovers her husband's affair and her world goes into a tailspin. Then there is Phyllis, who is out of hope and out of prayers after asking God for six long years to help her husband find faith. When she runs into an old friend who is the Christian man she longs for, she's faced with an overwhelming choice. Life-long friends with life-altering struggles. Will they trust God's faithfulness - and find strength to be faithful to Him?… (meer)
Auteurs:Kim Cash Tate (Auteur)
Info:Thomas Nelson Inc (2010), 308 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Faithful door Kim Cash Tate

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I found this book to be very sincere and believable. I sensed the author's heart for marriage and healing in this story. I could tell that she poured her heart into the message that was so skillfully woven into the story. This book, while dealing with Scriptures, church, and other Christian themes, did not feel preachy at all. I dislike preachy stories. This was so natural in flow and theme that I didn't feel like a sermon was being preached. That is a good thing, especially if people of weak faith read this book. It won't turn them off to the message. Having known people in just about every situation written about in this story, I found the conflict to be well done. It showed the dark side of sin and temptation without getting too ugly. So many books where women were cheated on show rage that goes on and on and frankly, that gets old. I want to walk into the pages and tell the characters, "A-hem, you are supposed to love Jesus and believe in grace and forgiveness, remember?"

There was such a godly balance in this story that it was refreshing. The author didn't shy away from showing the beauty of marital love and true peace in the home. These issues are so important and many authors skim over them, probably out of fear that it won't be well-received. I loved how deep the author delved into the story regarding the marital themes. Sex in marriage is beautiful and if the author had totally shied away from showing this, then the book would have been weak, at best. I also loved how the author showed that honesty is essential in any relationship for it to be solid enough to withstand temptation. Real love doesn't hold back. This book was so awesome that I almost read it straight through. It ranks high on my list of favorites for 2010. I've read a lot of good books this year and this was one of the most inspiring for me personally. I highly recommend it. ( )
  MichelleSutton | Nov 10, 2010 |
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Kim Cash Tate's debut novel celebrates the power of female friendship and the never-ceasing faithfulness of God. Cydney Sanders thought she knew God's plan for her life. She'd marry, have kids, and then snap her body back into shape with exercise. But she's celebrating her fortieth birthday as the maid of honor at her little sister's wedding - and still single. Now her life is suddenly complicated by the best man. He's the opposite of what she wants in a husband - and yet, he keeps defying her expectations. Starting with a lavender rose-symbolizing enchantment-each rose he sends her reflects his growing love for her. Cydney's best friend Dana appears to have the perfect marriage-until she discovers her husband's affair and her world goes into a tailspin. Then there is Phyllis, who is out of hope and out of prayers after asking God for six long years to help her husband find faith. When she runs into an old friend who is the Christian man she longs for, she's faced with an overwhelming choice. Life-long friends with life-altering struggles. Will they trust God's faithfulness - and find strength to be faithful to Him?

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