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The Creative Process Illustrated: How Advertising's Big Ideas Are Born

door W. Glenn Griffin

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Finally, answers to the question: How are big ideas born? Creative directors, art directors and advertising copywriters are some of the great artists and thinkers of our time. Considering the scope and power of their influence in our culture, that's not such a crazy idea. Take an intimate look into the creative processes of some of the top minds in the advertising industry. Get inspired as you learn about the people behind smart ad campaigns and see how they visualize their own search for a great idea. You'll find outstanding work from an eclectic mix of agencies, including TBWACHIATDAY, The Jupiter Drawing Room, Wieden+Kennedy, McGarryBowen, McCann Erickson, Ogilvy & Mather, Carmichael Lynch and 72andSunny. The Creative Process Illustrated represents a rare and remarkable look at the minds that fuel the ad industry. You'll be inspired to fresh thinking and better work immediately. Inside you'll find: Process canvases--sketches that visually represent the thought process leading to an idea, from some of the best minds in advertising. Profiles--insightful commentary from contributors, samples of their favorite work, perspectives from their colleagues and details of their professional accomplishments. Practical analysis--a breakdown of models of creativity, creativity as a problem-solving device, and putting the creative process to work for you.… (meer)
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Finally, answers to the question: How are big ideas born? Creative directors, art directors and advertising copywriters are some of the great artists and thinkers of our time. Considering the scope and power of their influence in our culture, that's not such a crazy idea. Take an intimate look into the creative processes of some of the top minds in the advertising industry. Get inspired as you learn about the people behind smart ad campaigns and see how they visualize their own search for a great idea. You'll find outstanding work from an eclectic mix of agencies, including TBWACHIATDAY, The Jupiter Drawing Room, Wieden+Kennedy, McGarryBowen, McCann Erickson, Ogilvy & Mather, Carmichael Lynch and 72andSunny. The Creative Process Illustrated represents a rare and remarkable look at the minds that fuel the ad industry. You'll be inspired to fresh thinking and better work immediately. Inside you'll find: Process canvases--sketches that visually represent the thought process leading to an idea, from some of the best minds in advertising. Profiles--insightful commentary from contributors, samples of their favorite work, perspectives from their colleagues and details of their professional accomplishments. Practical analysis--a breakdown of models of creativity, creativity as a problem-solving device, and putting the creative process to work for you.

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