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A Leader's Heart: 365-Day Devotional…
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A Leader's Heart: 365-Day Devotional Journal (editie 2010)

door John C. Maxwell

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431602,899 (4.8)Geen
Leaders need encouragement too, and whobetter to send it than the leader of leaders! Applaudedasone of the world's most popular leadership experts, John Maxwell bringsmany of his winning concepts and scriptural meditations into a dailydevotional/journalformat, designed specifically for leaders. Each devotional is deliveredwith John's trademark style of confidence and clarity, followed byspace forwriting personal reflection. Included are a host of relevant topicsincludingsuccess, stewardship, teamwork, and mentoring--all topics that ring truetoevery leader's heart.… (meer)
Titel:A Leader's Heart: 365-Day Devotional Journal
Auteurs:John C. Maxwell
Info:Thomas Nelson (2010), Edition: Gift, Hardcover, 384 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, To Buy
Trefwoorden:To buy

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A Leader's Heart: 365-Day Devotional Journal door John C. Maxwell

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A Leader’s Heart by John Maxwell is a 365 day devotional journal designed to inspire the leader to grow in all avenues of leadership. This journal is designed to connect the reader to God, provide daily encouragement that inspires growth, and help keep the reader focused upon leadership while following God’s guidance in the Bible. John Maxwell teaches the reader that while respecting God’s position as our ultimate leader, those of us who are in leadership positions will grow in the Lord and help others to grow too.

I have found this book to be an incredible wealth of information. Having held leadership positions for years, I wish I would have had this book 30 years ago. Each page is a fresh experience in the presence of God and His divine direction for leaders. I am inspired to chart out a ‘growth map’ for myself and those whom I lead as a result of the information contained in this book. Looking back over the years as I read through the pages of this book, I can see so many places where I was in error, so many places where I was right on, and so many places where growth was necessary. I have always believed in inspiring my subordinates to be the best they can be, but sometimes lacked the proper tools to properly inspire others. This book offers those tools, and is a complete and well rounded volume of life lessons for leaders. I encourage anyone who is in a leadership position, or aspiring to hold a leadership position to obtain a copy of this book. This book is to be read daily, and I suggest it accompany your Bible as a daily “first read” along with prayer.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” ( )
  cherylselby | Oct 21, 2010 |
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Leaders need encouragement too, and whobetter to send it than the leader of leaders! Applaudedasone of the world's most popular leadership experts, John Maxwell bringsmany of his winning concepts and scriptural meditations into a dailydevotional/journalformat, designed specifically for leaders. Each devotional is deliveredwith John's trademark style of confidence and clarity, followed byspace forwriting personal reflection. Included are a host of relevant topicsincludingsuccess, stewardship, teamwork, and mentoring--all topics that ring truetoevery leader's heart.

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