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New Testament Introduction door Donald…
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New Testament Introduction (editie 1990)

door Donald Guthrie (Auteur)

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1,605411,536 (4.15)1
Twenty years after its first release in one volume, Donald Guthrie has revised his widely acclaimed New Testament Introduction. A careful recasting of a benchmark evangelical work, this new edition provides a fixed point for surveying the books of the New Testament. Noting the issues raised by the past two decades of biblical scholarship, Guthrie engages the issues of authorship and authenticity, purpose and structure, historical context and cultural setting. In these discussions, as well as in the notes and bibliographies, he draws on a wealth of recent scholarly research which gives added value to this classic resource.… (meer)
Titel:New Testament Introduction
Auteurs:Donald Guthrie (Auteur)
Info:Intervarsity Press (1990), 1054 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, New Testament, Commentaries
Trefwoorden:Bible Study, New Testament

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New Testament Introduction door Donald Guthrie

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Important teaching text on New Testament.Copy of Tom Phillips
  antiqueart | Dec 7, 2013 |
After Carson/Moo, this is the most important book on the New Testament.
  ianclary | Jan 31, 2010 |
although i just began reading guthrie's introduction straight through, i have already read several sections of the book. being highly academic and seemingly unbiased, guthrie provides several key background issues: historical settings, authenticity, dating, outlines, etc. guthrie seems to do justice to all views commonly held by modern scholars pertaining to these issues. highly recommended
  tim.sherrod | Jun 23, 2006 |
Case 10 shelf 4
  semoffat | Aug 28, 2021 |
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Twenty years after its first release in one volume, Donald Guthrie has revised his widely acclaimed New Testament Introduction. A careful recasting of a benchmark evangelical work, this new edition provides a fixed point for surveying the books of the New Testament. Noting the issues raised by the past two decades of biblical scholarship, Guthrie engages the issues of authorship and authenticity, purpose and structure, historical context and cultural setting. In these discussions, as well as in the notes and bibliographies, he draws on a wealth of recent scholarly research which gives added value to this classic resource.

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Gemiddelde: (4.15)
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4 14
4.5 2
5 9

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