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Ferri's Fast Facts in Dermatology: A Practical Guide to Skin Diseases and Disorders, 1e (Ferri's Medical Solutions)

door Fred F. Ferri

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Written by renowned author Fred F. Ferri, MD, FACP, and featuring high-quality images from Drs. Studdiford and Tully - faculty members at Jefferson Medical College, Ferri's Fast Facts in Dermatology presents "need-to-know" information on nearly 200 dermatologic disorders. Each topic includes color images displaying the disease, and the accompanying bulleted text provides an at-a-glance view. This useful, clinical resource helps you hone your developing diagnostic skills and sharpen your clinical acumen. Its concise, user-friendly format lets you get to the information you need fast, and its convenient size makes reference a snap. Covers nearly 200 disorders that help you better diagnose and recognize the most common dermatologic diseases. Includes high-quality full-color images that provide optimal visual guidance for diagnoses. Presents a consistent organization for each disorder that includes Definitions, Etiology, Clinical Manifestations, Physical Examination, Diagnostic Tests, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment, and Clinical Pearls. Uses bulleted text that makes reference easy. Comes in a convenient 4" x 6" format for on-the-go reference. Makes the perfect study or review tool for exams for students or a focused point-of-care reference for residents and practitioners of all levels.… (meer)
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Written by renowned author Fred F. Ferri, MD, FACP, and featuring high-quality images from Drs. Studdiford and Tully - faculty members at Jefferson Medical College, Ferri's Fast Facts in Dermatology presents "need-to-know" information on nearly 200 dermatologic disorders. Each topic includes color images displaying the disease, and the accompanying bulleted text provides an at-a-glance view. This useful, clinical resource helps you hone your developing diagnostic skills and sharpen your clinical acumen. Its concise, user-friendly format lets you get to the information you need fast, and its convenient size makes reference a snap. Covers nearly 200 disorders that help you better diagnose and recognize the most common dermatologic diseases. Includes high-quality full-color images that provide optimal visual guidance for diagnoses. Presents a consistent organization for each disorder that includes Definitions, Etiology, Clinical Manifestations, Physical Examination, Diagnostic Tests, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment, and Clinical Pearls. Uses bulleted text that makes reference easy. Comes in a convenient 4" x 6" format for on-the-go reference. Makes the perfect study or review tool for exams for students or a focused point-of-care reference for residents and practitioners of all levels.

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