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The Arrow Chest door Robert Parry
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The Arrow Chest

door Robert Parry

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Victorian Gothic blends with ghostly glimpses of Tudor history in this fabulous tale of love and destinyLondon, 1876. The painter Amos Roselli is in love with his life-long friend and model, the beautiful Daphne - and she with him - until one day she is discovered by another man, a powerful and wealthy industrialist. What will happen when Daphne realises she has sacrificed her happiness to a loveless marriage? What will happen when the artist realises he has lost his most cherished source of inspiration? And how will they negotiate the ever-increasing frequency of strange and bizarre events that seem to be driving them relentlessly towards self-destruction?Here, amid the extravagant Neo-Gothic culture of Victorian England, the iconic poem 'The Lady of Shalott' blends with mysterious and ghostly glimpses of Tudor history. Romantic, atmospheric and deeply dark. 'Although it is set in Victorian England the characters are "haunted" by the story of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn, the queen who was executed on false charges of adultery. It is almost as if events are repeating themselves, but how will this story end? Will it be as tragic as Anne Boleyn's?' Claire Ridgeway,… (meer)
Titel:The Arrow Chest
Auteurs:Robert Parry
Info:CreateSpace (no date), Paperback, 342 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:gothic, victorian, anne boleyn, pre-raphaelites, fiction, historical fiction

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The Arrow Chest door Robert Parry

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I knew Robert was a gifted historical author upon reading his first novel, Virgin and the Crab. He graciously sent me a copy of The Arrow Chest to read and review and it too me eons to get around to it. Well, I hosted a lovely event at Castle Macabre in last month, Gothic September, and The Arrow Chest read-a-long was the star of the show. I am so glad I finally got around to reading it. I feel it would be a shame for anyone to miss out on reading this wonderful book.

If you have any love for the Tudors, you will enjoy this book because Robert takes his 19th century characters and creates them at a parallel with such illustrious Tudor figures as Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I, Cromwell, Thomas Wyatt (the poet) and Jane Parker Boleyn. Mix this element with a genuine Gothic feel with the settings and ghosts and this book is a delight to read.

Read the rest at my blog: ( )
  TheTrueBookAddict | Mar 22, 2020 |
This was a frustrating book, only because at times I wanted to race ahead to see what happened next, and, at the same time I wanted to read as slowly as possible to savour some of the beautiful writing. As befits a novel about aesthetes in the 1870s, the book is shot through with painting and poetry. I presume Parry is an artist himself, since his evocation of the ‘inner eye’ of the artist was brilliantly done—even I, who could not paint a lamp-post, got a wonderful sense of how a painter looks at the world. Some of the set pieces, such as Tennyson’s poetry reading are marvellous. The descriptive writing, especially of landscape, brings to my mind the colours and textures of Samuel Palmer (rather than the expected Pre-Raphaelites). On one level the plot is a glorious Victorian melodrama. But beneath that surface lies a strong strain of M R James, with an occasional tinge of Edgar Allan Poe. The undercurrent remains an enigma, even at the end. Did something really happen? Is there a real connection and parallel with Ann Boleyn? Is the unworldly companion first encountered in the Tower really there? Or is all this simply a result of too much ‘loddy’? The way in which this is all left open to the reader’s imagination gives an enormous strength, and depth, to this marvellous book. Now to read it again, slowly and reflectively! ( )
1 stem | ChrisSterry | Apr 30, 2011 |
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He rides through the world as if on some golden chariot--a world that is filled only with beauty. He has never stopped to contemplate ugliness, not once, because it is invisible to him, and always will be.
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Victorian Gothic blends with ghostly glimpses of Tudor history in this fabulous tale of love and destinyLondon, 1876. The painter Amos Roselli is in love with his life-long friend and model, the beautiful Daphne - and she with him - until one day she is discovered by another man, a powerful and wealthy industrialist. What will happen when Daphne realises she has sacrificed her happiness to a loveless marriage? What will happen when the artist realises he has lost his most cherished source of inspiration? And how will they negotiate the ever-increasing frequency of strange and bizarre events that seem to be driving them relentlessly towards self-destruction?Here, amid the extravagant Neo-Gothic culture of Victorian England, the iconic poem 'The Lady of Shalott' blends with mysterious and ghostly glimpses of Tudor history. Romantic, atmospheric and deeply dark. 'Although it is set in Victorian England the characters are "haunted" by the story of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn, the queen who was executed on false charges of adultery. It is almost as if events are repeating themselves, but how will this story end? Will it be as tragic as Anne Boleyn's?' Claire Ridgeway,

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