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The Dresden Files Collection 1-6 door Jim…
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The Dresden Files Collection 1-6 (origineel 2006; editie 2010)

door Jim Butcher

Reeksen: De Dresden Files (1-6)

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1311215,920 (4.36)9
Fantasy. Fiction. Short Stories. HTML:The first six novels featuring Harry Dresden—Chicago’s only professional wizard—are a perfect introduction to the # 1 New York Times bestselling series that Entertainment Weekly describes as “Buffy the Vampire Slayer starring Philip Marlowe.”
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Titel:The Dresden Files Collection 1-6
Auteurs:Jim Butcher
Info:Roc (2010), Kindle Edition, 1859 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Dresden Files Collection 1-6 door Jim Butcher (2006)

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    Welcome To The Underworld door I.F Rowan (Anonieme gebruiker)
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This was my first time with this author and series as I kept seeing it flitting through my GR feed from different friends that had read the series. What a diamond in the rough I have found with this author and these books as I am happy that I picked them up to read. :)

Since I read the omnibus of books one through six, I am breaking it up into book sections on the review:

Book One: Storm Front

Harry Dresden, wizard a/k/a private investigator just grabs a hold of you the moment you start reading the first book. There is quite a bit of funny situations that he gets himself into along with some interesting magical characters that I loved. There is quite a bit of mystery, suspense, magic, and action all mixed up together which drew me in right away. He also has a sense of humor which made me chuckle here and there throughout the book. The writing style of the author just flows along and the pace is well kept throughout the whole book. I loved it and the story just swept me away into the magical world of Harry! Five stars for the first book!

Book Two: Foul Moon

Harry is back! The first part of the book was a little slow, but I persevered as I knew that it would surely get better and it did, but took a bit to really get going strong. Quite a few creatures of different varieties abound in this book, but no spoilers here as you will just have to read the book to find out what kind of creatures make an appearance. More magic, mystery, and action throughout the book. Harry still kept me chuckling throughout the book and I have become more attached to this series. Five stars for the second book.

Book Three: Grave Peril

The third book took off and grabbed me to the point of slamming me back in Harry's world! Different type of problems this time arise for Harry as he has to deal with ghosts and vampires, but I still loved how he is able to deal with them all as how hard is it when you are a wizard? Love the way the author just brings it all together and keeps the reader entertained throughout the book. I still love this world of magic and mystery to the point that this book is going to be five stars for keeping me entertained!

Book Four: Summer Knight

The fourth book has quite a bit more contained within its pages as there are factions that abound in this book. The Red Court of Vampires, The White Council (wizards) along with some new faces and old faces come together in this book. There is quite a bit more action throughout the book and Harry just seems to be caught in the middle of it all. Poor guy! What is a wizard to do? Well he can do his damndest to get himself out of the mess that surrounds him! Still loving the magic mixed with mayhem and still loving the humor that comes and goes throughout the book. Harry just seems to be a lovable character and the more I delve into this series, the more I love these books! Five stars for this one.

Book Five: Death Masks

The fifth book has little bit more characters and the factions are heating up where it seems Harry has a bullseye on his back through most of the book. Poor Harry cannot catch a break and there is no rest for him in this book. There is not much wit within this book though like the previous books as there is too much action so there is no time to be funny. I still love these books though with all the quirky characters, all the magic, all the mayhem, and the story just flows along. Loving this urban fantasy series and giving this book five stars.

Book Six: Blood Rites

The sixth book gives more background on Harry along with a few more new characters. Still quite a bit of action and some interesting things going on within these pages, but no spoilers from me as you will just have to read the book. Harry gets himself involved with needing to protect a movie producer and let the craziness begin! The magic and mystery is still there along with Harry trying to get himself out of the messes he so conveniently gets himself into. I am still loving this series and I am giving this book five stars for still keeping me entertained! ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Short Stories. HTML:The first six novels featuring Harry Dresden—Chicago’s only professional wizard—are a perfect introduction to the # 1 New York Times bestselling series that Entertainment Weekly describes as “Buffy the Vampire Slayer starring Philip Marlowe.”

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