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Lion of Babylon door Davis Bunn
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Lion of Babylon (origineel 2011; editie 2011)

door Davis Bunn (Auteur)

Reeksen: Marc Royce (1)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
3062489,001 (3.88)3
Fiction. Suspense. Christian Fiction. Thriller. An American operative sent to rescue two vanished soldiers in Iraq finds himself in the midst of a centuries-old conflict of religion, violence, and hatred.
Titel:Lion of Babylon
Auteurs:Davis Bunn (Auteur)
Info:Bethany House Publishers (2011), Edition: First Edition, 384 pages
Verzamelingen:In Review

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Lion of Babylon door Davis Bunn (2011)

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1-5 van 24 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
  WBCLIB | May 30, 2023 |
Normally, I cannot abide a novel with such strong religious overtones, but Davis Bunn has written a thriller with a message of hope for the world. Marc Royce, a former covert agent, has retired from the job and life over the death of his wife due to a stroke. When his best friend Alex Baird is kidnapped in Iraq, he is reawakened. He befriends a local attorney-fixer and an entire country, by helping rescue a kidnapped child (among many others) with former Iraqi police demoted to prison guards. Certain elements in the Iran, Iraqi and U.S. governments separately conspire to undermine the new Alliance government in Iraq, including kidnapping supporter's family members. Marc and his new friends mount a daring rescue mission into Iran. ( )
  skipstern | Jul 11, 2021 |
I struggled for a moment, considering whether to rate this with 4 or 5 stars. In the end, because this author went through so much research to pull this off, it tipped the scale upward.

I enjoyed being taken on a journey into the inner reaches of Iraq, where there is a combination of chaos and a "new normal" for those who live in that nation. One might call this a man's Anne of Green Gables> from the standpoint of whatever Anne seemed to touch turned out right. Outside of that, the intrigue and the push through danger and cultural differences made this a compelling read. I very much recommend this work of Bunn's. ( )
  impactwriter | Sep 5, 2018 |
so i found it unbelievable. i did not believe that marc could win over sameh so quickly and not just him but everyone he met. i found that aspect of the book soooo far fetched it kinda ruined the rest of the book for me. i the actuioon was nice, it kinda was trying the explaining of every little body movement the Arabs did. it was just ok. i do like the fantasy he created though, a democratic Iraq, a Grand Iman who is tolerant of other religions and doesn't like Iran's extremists would be GREAT! ( )
  kdf_333 | Jan 16, 2016 |
so i found it unbelievable. i did not believe that marc could win over sameh so quickly and not just him but everyone he met. i found that aspect of the book soooo far fetched it kinda ruined the rest of the book for me. i the actuioon was nice, it kinda was trying the explaining of every little body movement the Arabs did. it was just ok. i do like the fantasy he created though, a democratic Iraq, a Grand Iman who is tolerant of other religions and doesn't like Iran's extremists would be GREAT! ( )
  kdf_333 | Jan 16, 2016 |
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Fiction. Suspense. Christian Fiction. Thriller. An American operative sent to rescue two vanished soldiers in Iraq finds himself in the midst of a centuries-old conflict of religion, violence, and hatred.

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Davis Bunn's boek Lion of Babylon was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Gemiddelde: (3.88)
2 4
3 8
3.5 4
4 12
4.5 2
5 12

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