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Fire (Witch & Wizard, 3) door James…
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Fire (Witch & Wizard, 3) (editie 2012)

door James Patterson (Auteur)

Reeksen: Witch and Wizard (3)

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1,2841615,627 (3.73)Geen
Whit en Wisty zijn de aanvoerders van het verzet tegen het bewind van de wrede Ene, de meedogenloze heerser die alle macht naar zich toe wil trekken. Hij verbiedt alle creativiteit, vernietigt boeken etc. Hoe kan het tweetal zich voorbereiden op een confrontatie met de Ene?
Titel:Fire (Witch & Wizard, 3)
Auteurs:James Patterson (Auteur)
Info:jimmy patterson (2012), Edition: Reprint, 385 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

The Fire door James Patterson (Author)

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1-5 van 16 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Good. ( )
  EdenSteffey | Mar 14, 2018 |
While slogging through this 3rd installment of the series I found myself willing to set it aside for typically mundane things, like, watching corn grow. Unfortunately despite the fact that I do live in Iowa I don't live near a corn field so I opted to do things like removing my pillows from my pillow cases and putting them back in because they seemed just a little crooked. Or constantly booting up Words With Friends to see if anyone took their turn (even though 25 seconds earlier they hadn't). After almost 2 days of reading then avoiding this book I finally finished.

What Worked: Well, we did get more information about Shadowlands. As near as I can tell this area is an in between for the dead. Dead people congregate there and wait. Some, will move on to somewhere else (although I don't recall where they move on to) and some, the ones who were nasty pieces of work on earth, stay there forever and become one of the Lost.

Unfortunately I can't think of anything else that worked for me about this book.

What Didn't Work: Going from one Witch and Wizard book to another it becomes glaringly obvious that we readers are not sure what timeline is at work here. From the end of the second book to the beginning of this third much has happened that we readers must pick up second hand. There is a blood plague systematically wiping out much of the Overworld. What? What is the blood plague? Where did it come from? How did it start? Never fear good must have been started by The One Who is the One to get rid of those pesky resisters of his New Order. At least that is what we think but there is nothing to confirm this.

The continuous usage of the letter M for magic. Not sure if this was used much in the first 2 books but in this installment it got annoying. Wisty asking Whit about his M. Bad guy Pearce mocking Whit about his lack of M. It felt like a false slang term used in attempts for an older person to connect with the younger generation. Speaking of Pearce. This was the first book in which he appeared and he had a wicked powerful 'gift' of melting peoples faces off. It was apparently given to him by The One. We have to assume that The One can bestow magic on his lackeys from Pearce's abilities but it is never confirmed.

The final showdown was almost anticlimactic also. When the Allgood kids used their magic against Pearce or The One instead of hurting them and/or killing them, the magic actually made them stronger. So how did The One get defeated when the Allgoods used even more magic against him? I don't know.

Another question I have is where are all the parents? We have a handful of the Resistance group....all of them are children. No one seems to have parents. The New Order has training facilities (all for children). Their troops seem to be all kids too. Where are the adults?

In a Nutshell: After reading 3 books in this series it has become more and more apparent that this is actually a poorly produced retelling of the Harry Potter series. We have magical children, dead parents, The One Who is the One (couldn't they come up with something other than this? I mean get real. Lord Voldemort was He Who Shall Not Be Named....seems pretty close to me.), multiple fighting scenes resulting in death and despair and lets not forget about Pearce with slicked back blond hair (Draco Malfoy anyone?). I know this series is not identical to the one written by JK Rowling but there are enough similarities that it's hard not to compare. I would not recommend this series to fans of YA novels. I'd push them towards his Maximum Ride series first.
( )
  ChristinaT. | Dec 3, 2016 |
I really liked this book in the series, the only problem that I had with it was the characters lack of ability to realize that certain people were dead...just because they can go visit them in another realm does not mean they can necessarily come home with you... ( )
  sszkutak | Sep 28, 2016 |
Welcome to your worst nightmare,
or maybe one you can't even imagine.
A world where everything has changed.
There are no books, no movies,
no music, no free speech.
Everyone under eighteen is distrusted.
You and your family could be taken
away and imprisoned at any time.
Your very being is expendable,
even unwanted.

What world is this? Where could
something like this have happened?
That's hardly the point.

The point is that it DID happen.
It's happening to us right now.
And if you don't stop and pay attention,
it could happen in your world next.

Recommended to:
Young adults and adults who enjoy fantasy & magic. An edge of your seat book. There is some violence & death and a bit of nail biting action.

My thoughts:
Once again we are plunged into the world of Whit & Wisty Allgood, the Witch and Wizard. They are learning to control their powers and continuing to lead the resistance in the fight against The One Who is The One. They are fighting for the future of their world, while the New Order (N.O.) is brainwashing and torturing children to turn them into killing machines. The stakes are higher than ever and Whit & Wisty are in more danger than ever.

This is a great series, lots of adventure & danger and twists & turns. Like all Patterson books, the chapters are short and fly by. I finished this book in one day. ( )
  Jadedog13 | Feb 3, 2016 |
Absolutely terrible! I have now read all three books in this series and it was a complete waste of time. For as good as the Maximum Ride series is, this series is just as bad. ( )
  biggs1399 | Jan 19, 2016 |
1-5 van 16 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Whit en Wisty zijn de aanvoerders van het verzet tegen het bewind van de wrede Ene, de meedogenloze heerser die alle macht naar zich toe wil trekken. Hij verbiedt alle creativiteit, vernietigt boeken etc. Hoe kan het tweetal zich voorbereiden op een confrontatie met de Ene?

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Gemiddelde: (3.73)
1 3
2 9
2.5 2
3 31
3.5 8
4 32
4.5 5
5 30

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