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Keyboard Presents Synth Gods

door Ernie Rideout

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From the pages of ÊKeyboardÊ magazine ÊKeyboard Presents Synth GodsÊ spotlights artists who did much more than just play synthesizers: they changed the course of music history and inspired generations. Featuring in-depth profiles of leading synthesists such as Jan Hammer Wendy Carlos Rick Wakeman and Stevie Wonder this book delves into how these new untested boxes of circuitry captured the imagination of these legendary artists. Read about the design of some of the most famous synthesizers ever made models from masterminds such as Dr. Robert Moog Dave Smith and Ray Kurzweil. Get the details on what made them sound unique what timeless music was created on them and how you can re-create some of these sounds using synths you already have!… (meer)
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From the pages of ÊKeyboardÊ magazine ÊKeyboard Presents Synth GodsÊ spotlights artists who did much more than just play synthesizers: they changed the course of music history and inspired generations. Featuring in-depth profiles of leading synthesists such as Jan Hammer Wendy Carlos Rick Wakeman and Stevie Wonder this book delves into how these new untested boxes of circuitry captured the imagination of these legendary artists. Read about the design of some of the most famous synthesizers ever made models from masterminds such as Dr. Robert Moog Dave Smith and Ray Kurzweil. Get the details on what made them sound unique what timeless music was created on them and how you can re-create some of these sounds using synths you already have!

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