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Seduced by Moonlight (Meredith Gentry, Book…
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Seduced by Moonlight (Meredith Gentry, Book 3) (origineel 2004; editie 2004)

door Laurell K. Hamilton

Reeksen: Meredith Gentry (3)

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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:I am Meredith Gentry, P.I. and Princess Merry, heir to the throne of Fairie.
Now there are those among me who whisper I am more.
They fear me even as they protect me. And who can blame them?
I’ve awakened the dazzling magic that’s slumbered in them for
thousands of years. But the thing is, I can’t figure out why.

My aunt, the Queen of Air and Darkness, is no longer distracted by her usual sadistic hobbies. Her obsession has turned unwaveringly to me. The mission to get me pregnant and beat my cousin Prince Cel to the crown is taking longer than expected. Even though I spend each night with the Queen’s Ravens, my immortal guards, no child has come of our decadent pleasures. But something else is happening. My magic courses through me uncontrollably. And as I lock my half-mortal body with their full-Sidhe blooded ones, the power surges like never before.

It all began with the chalice. I dreamed of it, and it appeared, cool and hard, beside me when I awoke. My guards know the ancient relic well—its disappearance ages ago stripped them of their vital powers. But it is here with us now. My touch resonates with its force, and they’re consumed with it, their Sidhe essences lit up by it. But even as they cherish me for this unexpected gift, there are those who loathe me for it. Me, a mongrel, only half fey and part mortal. The Unseelie court has suffered for so long, and there are some who would not have it weakened further by an impure queen. My enemies grow in number every day. But they do not know what I am capable of. Nor, for that matter, do I. . . .

In Seduced by Moonlight, Laurell K. Hamilton brings the dark, erotic reign of the immortal fey to a startling new depth. Full of sensuality and the consuming anticipation of latent powers unleashed, this world of gods, shapeshifters, and immortal souls is unveiled in all of its supreme magnificence and its treacherous deceits.
… (meer)
Titel:Seduced by Moonlight (Meredith Gentry, Book 3)
Auteurs:Laurell K. Hamilton
Info:Ballantine Books (2004), Edition: 2nd THUS, Mass Market Paperback, 432 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Seduced by moonlight door Laurell K. Hamilton (2004)

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I feel bound to give some explanation as to why I started reading ‘War and Peace’ and then suddenly switched to trashy magical sexcapades. To cut a long story short, I am temporarily of no fixed abode because the flat I intended to move into has dangerous wiring. Whilst packing for two weeks of staying with friends, I decided that it was time to read ‘War and Peace’. I forgot, however, that moving house is stressful and tiring, not conducive to tackling the greatest epic of Russian literature. So almost as soon as I arrived at my friend’s house, I began ‘Seduced by Moonlight’. In years past I read quite a number of Laurell K. Hamilton novels, with an escalating sense of disbelief as the supernatural mystery elements got crowded out by increasingly preposterous sex scenes. That was certainly the case with the Anita Blake series, whereas the Merry Gentry books never bothered to include much of a mystery element to start with. I read the first two about ten years ago and noted that Merry’s work as a PI was incidental at best. In this book it is non-existent, as being a fairy princess is a full time job.

There are a myriad of reasons why I cannot take the Merry Gentry books seriously. Examples from this volume abound:

- Frost’s floor-length silver tinsel hair and general resemblance to Elsa from Frozen.
- Awkward skype calls with goblins, which require everyone to flash their boobs.
- The fact that I always read Nicca as ‘Knickers’.
- The lesbian sex scene in which a bathing suit is touched and, suddenly, orgasms all round.
- Doyle’s skin apparently resembles an oil spillage.
- Reference to the irresponsibility of fairies causing the Irish potato famine.
- Merry’s hair being like garnets. It looks like it is made of garnets. Garnets.
- Repeated reminders that Doyle is wearing a thong, occurring as non sequiturs in the middle of conversations he isn’t even part of.
- Continual shining. Everyone shines whilst doing anything even tangentially magical and/or sexual (the two are basically synonymous). It is as if piles of glowsticks have cracked open and leaked all about.
- Hamilton’s habit of personifying penises, which can become very confusing. She never uses the word penis, despite having no problem with the (surely more absurd) word testicles.
- The general air amongst Merry’s harem of, ‘We’re constantly having group sex with this one lady, but no homo, bro. Let’s just braid each other’s hair’.
- The many similes used to describe magic. My favourite is on page 378, ‘ invisible jam’. INVISIBLE JAM.
- The scene in which Merry is banging Frost when, on the other side of the room, Doyle suddenly turns into a dog, then a horse, then an eagle. Presumably in a fit of pique.

The fact that I read the whole 500 pages in two days, however, gives away that I enjoyed the book. It was extremely easy to read, despite being largely dialogue about magical politics interspersed with sex scenes. The Merry Gentry universe is fun and, in a refreshing turn, dominated utterly by the female gaze. The last hundred pages were even compelling rather than amusing, as things took a turn into ultraviolence. Laurell K. Hamilton does combine sex and horror rather effectively, I must say. Although the sudden incest was somewhat off-putting.

Nonetheless, my favourite parts of the book occurred when the narrative explicitly acknowledged the rampant absurdity of events. Notably, the scene in which Merry and her harem were standing around drinking hot beverages and staring in confusion at a magic cup that had appeared. Then Doyle suddenly made a comment and everyone jumped, spilling coffee/tea/cocoa all over themselves and their filmy silk robes. That was hilarious. It gave me a delightful mental image of fae trying to get stains out of silk - which I know from experience is practically impossible. I was also pleased that the final scene confirmed my suspicion that Merry gets her harem to do the housework. There must be one seriously complicated chore rota. Not much in the way of clothing to wash, but lots of sheets. A lot of hoovering is surely also required as so many long-haired people must shed like crazy. I wonder who cooks? Do fae even eat anything but blood and sex? Other questions ‘Seduced by Moonlight’ begs include: why does no-one make a reference to Merry ‘tasting the rainbow’? Or lining up her ‘Merry Men’ in an ombré colour palette? They are basically a Dulux catalogue, albeit without that ubiquitous shade magnolia. A ‘bubblegum pink’ guy is referred to in passing, though. I wonder what his power is? Hopefully something grim and dark, for maximum hilarity.

My friend has the next three books in the series sitting on the shelf. Whether I'll read them depends on how palatable ‘War and Peace’ turns out to be. Tolstoy versus sexy magic, which will triumph? Place your bets now. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
Years after I read most of the series for the first time, I'm rereading them again, start to finish.
And right of the bat... I just want to say... I can't believe all the things I forgot! :D Seriously, nearly feels like I'm reading a different book! Of course still as excellent as it was the first time... but still!

Not that much action in this book, but still some monumental stuff happening that was essential for the story to move forward. We learn more about Merry and her guards, about her enemies and potential allies. We see her grow and learn and don the mantle of potential queen to the Unseelie.

And of course men, more men :D I think Merry ruined me from ever having a 'normal' relationship hahaha.

Apart from that, the book was well written with no (noticeable) errors and yes, there is (a lot of) sex described in this instalment... just so you know. ( )
  Nemerith | Oct 30, 2023 |
As I have said - I read this author for her descriptive writing - I will say that her recent books seem to be more focused on exploring her own sexuality rather than building the really good plots that I first met in her earlier books. Still - for great use of words and sex scenes like no other -- 5/5. ( )
  DragonJude | Oct 28, 2023 |
This one I read until it was finished. No breaks. Love it. These books are just for fun and fun I had. ( )
  weaver-of-dreams | Aug 1, 2023 |
Synopsis: 'Kurag, Goblin King, is insisting upon proof that Kitto has become sidhe following sex with Merry. She offers an extra month of their alliance for every goblin hybrid she can bring into sidhe magic.
During the discussions, Siun, Kitto's nightmarish, spidery former mistress, appears and he is terrified. It is revealed that Rhys also swore blood price on her, as it was she that took his eye when he failed to "glow" for her during sex. In his fear, Kitto accidentally uses the Hand of Reaching to open a portal through the mirror. Siun falls through and is trapped half-way, and after some negotiation, Kurag allows the Ravens to do what they like. Kitto viciously wounds her, and Rhys kills her with a sword.
It is revealed that Meredith is a vessel for the Goddess Danu when she inadvertently brings the pregnant Maeve Reed back into her god-head, and gives Frost newfound god status (which he is not comfortable with). The cup or cauldron also reappears after Merry has a dream about it, an effect that has significant impact upon the sidhe who believed it lost forever.
During sex with Merry many of her lovers suffer unexpected side-effects:
Rhys is brought back into his god-head
Frost is brought into his god-head
Sage is turned into a full-sized sidhe
Nicca is possessed by Dian Cecht
Doyle regains his shape-shifting abilities (turning into a dog and a horse), plus ones he never had previously (an eagle).
Merry and her lovers return to the Courts. Upon the flight back, Merry is presented with the Queen's ring by Rhys. This is not only a symbol of her status as heir, but also a potent artifact in its own right. It was known as the happy ever after ring as it permitted sidhe to find their perfect mates.
When they arrive at the airport they are greeted by several of the Queen's Ravens as well as human policemen. The Queen has insisted that Merry take to her bed any of the sidhe that the ring recognises. A short while after their arrival, they attend a press conference. A policeman is bewitched and shooting breaks out. Merry is saved by Frost and others of the Ravens.
Yet more Ravens await Merry at the sithen. The Queen insists that Merry beds two out of the four before she appears before her. The result is the appearance of a spring, from which Merry fills a cup. Andais, apparently insane with bloodlust, is attacking her men. The Ravens attempt to intervene and protect one another. Merry uses her Hand of Blood to draw wounds upon her aunt. The Green Man then gives Merry the ability to heal all those in the room.
It is discovered that a spell was used to incite the Queen to murder. The plot was hatched by those amongst the court who feared that a mortal Queen, Merry, would result in the sidhe ceasing to exist. Merry is challenged by one, Miniver, and they duel before the court. Meredith is declared the winner.'
Review: Good book, but I wanted more. ( )
  DrLed | Jan 28, 2022 |
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I thought the queen had left the room, but she hadn't. She was merely standing in front of Eamon, narrowing her magic down upon him. She had concentrated it on a smaller and smaller point until the rest of the room had emptied of her power.
Eamon kept his grip on the wall, his mouth opened wide, but he wasn't gasping, because gasping implies breathing, and I don't think he was doing that. It was as if she could bring the pressures of atmospheres to bear upon you. She could use the very air as a weapon. (chapter 28)
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:I am Meredith Gentry, P.I. and Princess Merry, heir to the throne of Fairie.
Now there are those among me who whisper I am more.
They fear me even as they protect me. And who can blame them?
I’ve awakened the dazzling magic that’s slumbered in them for
thousands of years. But the thing is, I can’t figure out why.

My aunt, the Queen of Air and Darkness, is no longer distracted by her usual sadistic hobbies. Her obsession has turned unwaveringly to me. The mission to get me pregnant and beat my cousin Prince Cel to the crown is taking longer than expected. Even though I spend each night with the Queen’s Ravens, my immortal guards, no child has come of our decadent pleasures. But something else is happening. My magic courses through me uncontrollably. And as I lock my half-mortal body with their full-Sidhe blooded ones, the power surges like never before.

It all began with the chalice. I dreamed of it, and it appeared, cool and hard, beside me when I awoke. My guards know the ancient relic well—its disappearance ages ago stripped them of their vital powers. But it is here with us now. My touch resonates with its force, and they’re consumed with it, their Sidhe essences lit up by it. But even as they cherish me for this unexpected gift, there are those who loathe me for it. Me, a mongrel, only half fey and part mortal. The Unseelie court has suffered for so long, and there are some who would not have it weakened further by an impure queen. My enemies grow in number every day. But they do not know what I am capable of. Nor, for that matter, do I. . . .

In Seduced by Moonlight, Laurell K. Hamilton brings the dark, erotic reign of the immortal fey to a startling new depth. Full of sensuality and the consuming anticipation of latent powers unleashed, this world of gods, shapeshifters, and immortal souls is unveiled in all of its supreme magnificence and its treacherous deceits.

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