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Collaborative Quilting door Freddy Moran
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Collaborative Quilting (editie 2006)

door Freddy Moran, Gwen Marston

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1323214,282 (4.79)Geen
A bold and unconventional tribute to artistic collaboration by two internationally recognized, award-winning authors. Freddy Moran and Gwen Marston have made beautiful quilts together despite their physical distance from each other--the stunning photos of their many creations prove it. They reveal the secrets of their success, including how to bridge style differences and use each person’s strengths to best advantage. Freddy, an expert in color, discusses her specialty, while Gwen talks about design principles. In addition, each artist offers ten personal tips and structured and unstructured projects to try, as well as ideas for putting them all together. A gorgeous gallery of quilts is sure to inspire needleworkers to combine forces. A Selection of the Crafters Choice Book Club.… (meer)
Titel:Collaborative Quilting
Auteurs:Freddy Moran
Andere auteurs:Gwen Marston
Info:Sterling/Chapelle (2006), Paperback, 256 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Collaborative Quilting door Freddy Moran

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One of the best design books in the quilting genre. Definitely for those who love colour and unusual pattern layout. Very good instructions. ( )
  SandyAMcPherson | Aug 9, 2017 |
One of the best reasons for buying this book is the huge number of photos. It is amazing how many photos of quilts and blocks the publisher was able to cram into this book for the price. I also like the idea of collaboration between the two artists. ( )
  jlapac | Aug 14, 2013 |
I received this quilting book today. I buy very few quilt books these days because I have hundreds and I like to look at them before purchase. My bookstore has a shabby collection of old quilt books so I mostly refrain. I love Freddy Moran, however, and this is only her second book.

Quilt books, as well as cookbooks, must appeal to me visually first of all. I rarely actually read a quilt book. This is one I will have to read every word of. Gwen Marston's quilts have never particularly appealed to me but the collaboration has produced a beautiful new genre. The two women themselves are very interesting people and there is a certain, small, amount of biographical information about them. Despite her liberated techniques, Marston has alwasys echoed traditional quilts in my opinion. Freddy Moran, on the other hand, is heading in a wholly new direction. Her initial book, Freddy's House, inspired the entire decorating scheme for my house and, having seen her quilts, my love of color took off. It is unlikely I will ever make a quilt entirely like either of these women but their influence will always be there.

If you have not seen Freddy's House, it includes many photos of Freddy's actual house. This is the most wonderful house I have ever seen. I wish I could live in it. I am awaiting Gwen Marston's Liberated Quiltmaking - it is taking forever to arrive - and I shall delve right into that as well. ( )
  candyschultz | Aug 3, 2007 |
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A bold and unconventional tribute to artistic collaboration by two internationally recognized, award-winning authors. Freddy Moran and Gwen Marston have made beautiful quilts together despite their physical distance from each other--the stunning photos of their many creations prove it. They reveal the secrets of their success, including how to bridge style differences and use each person’s strengths to best advantage. Freddy, an expert in color, discusses her specialty, while Gwen talks about design principles. In addition, each artist offers ten personal tips and structured and unstructured projects to try, as well as ideas for putting them all together. A gorgeous gallery of quilts is sure to inspire needleworkers to combine forces. A Selection of the Crafters Choice Book Club.

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