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Micro: A Novel door Michael Crichton
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Micro: A Novel (origineel 2011; editie 2012)

door Michael Crichton, Richard Preston

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2,504776,234 (3.22)46
Three men are found dead in the locked second-floor office of a Honolulu building, with no sign of struggle except for the ultrafine, razor-sharp cuts covering their bodies. The only clue left behind is a tiny bladed robot, nearly invisible to the human eye. In the lush forests of Oahu, groundbreaking technology has ushered in a revolutionary era of biological prospecting. Trillions of microorganisms, tens of thousands of bacteria species, are being discovered; they are feeding a search for priceless drugs and applications on a scale beyond anything previously imagined. In Cambridge, Massachusetts, seven graduate students at the forefront of their fields are recruited by a pioneering microbiology start-up. Nanigen MicroTechnologies dispatches the group to a mysterious lab in Hawaii, where they are promised access to tools that will open a whole new scientific frontier. But once in the Oahu rain forest, the scientists are thrust into a hostile wilderness that reveals profound and surprising dangers at every turn. Armed only with their knowledge of the natural world, they find themselves prey to a technology of radical and unbridled power. To survive, they must harness the inherent forces of nature itself.… (meer)
Titel:Micro: A Novel
Auteurs:Michael Crichton
Andere auteurs:Richard Preston
Info:Harper (2012), Edition: Reprint, Mass Market Paperback, 560 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Micro door Michael Crichton (2011)

  1. 10
    Jurassic Park door Michael Crichton (JoshMock)
    JoshMock: The book was sort of "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" meets Jurassic Park.
  2. 00
    Richard Matheson's The shrinking man door Richard Matheson (AngelaJMaher)
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Engels (76)  Frans (1)  Alle talen (77)
1-5 van 77 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Not quite as thrilling as the best of Crichton's works, but a decent enough book with an interesting look at a world we hardly ever notice. ( )
  capincus | Jul 13, 2024 |
I struggled to finish this. Excellent concept, numbingly written. Richard Preston is one of my favorite authors so I looked forward to this book very much. However, the characters were not interesting to me, and about halfway through I realized that I didn't care what happened to them; if I put the book down forever and never found out if they escaped the micro-world, I wouldn't care. Not god.

I got this book at 60% off; that is the only good thing I have to say about it. ( )
  kwskultety | Jul 4, 2023 |
As usual, Michael Crichton (and Richard Preston) doesn't disappoint. It was one of those books where I find myself reading to fast to try to catch up with the excitement that is going on in my brain. I have been a fan of Crichton since high school, actually, funny story...My I received the honor of Eagle Scout, I could invite anybody to my ceremony that I wanted, so my parents and I figured: Let's invite anyone and everyone that I liked. We invited every governor, Senators, Congressmen and women, The New York Mets, The Knicks, Steven Spielberg (he was an Eagle), and, wow, too many to even name here, including Michael Crichton. Obviously, none of these people came to lil ole me's Eagle Scout Ceremony, but I did receive a letter back from pretty much everyone. The shortest, most concise, congratulations letter that I received (along with an autographed picture) came from none other than, that's right, Best Selling, Award Winning, author, Mr. Michael Crichton. But I'll tell ya what, I still treasure that picture today, I really should get that framed and hung somewhere. Buuuuuut anyway!
Micro was a great, fun read that I thoroughly enjoyed. If I had to wager a guess, my gut tells me that Mr. Preston filled in some of the beginning of the book, maybe the first couple chapters, but who knows. If you enjoy science, or nature, or miniature killer robots, this book is for you. No, but really, give it a try, it's a wonderful read. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
Regardless of my username, I do enjoy the occasional fiction book. I tend to rate books by how often I look at what page I'm on, similar to someone looking at their watch while watching a film. I think I was past page 100 before I took a look...sign of a good book. Being a Crichton fan in the first place also helps. :-) ( )
  NonFictionFan | Nov 28, 2022 |
Just Ok book. Always interesting topics, although this one lack a bit of originality. Too many similarities to the one with nano particles creating swarms (forgot the name). ( )
  Villameca | Sep 2, 2022 |
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Minute creatures swarm around us . . . objects of potentially endless study and admiration, if we are willing to sweep our vision down from the world lined by the horizon to include the world an arm's length away. A lifetime can be spent in a Magellanic voyage around the trunk of a tree.
-E. O. Wilson
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West of Pearl Harbor, he drove along the Farrington Highway past fields of sugar cane, dark green in the moonlight.
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Three men are found dead in the locked second-floor office of a Honolulu building, with no sign of struggle except for the ultrafine, razor-sharp cuts covering their bodies. The only clue left behind is a tiny bladed robot, nearly invisible to the human eye. In the lush forests of Oahu, groundbreaking technology has ushered in a revolutionary era of biological prospecting. Trillions of microorganisms, tens of thousands of bacteria species, are being discovered; they are feeding a search for priceless drugs and applications on a scale beyond anything previously imagined. In Cambridge, Massachusetts, seven graduate students at the forefront of their fields are recruited by a pioneering microbiology start-up. Nanigen MicroTechnologies dispatches the group to a mysterious lab in Hawaii, where they are promised access to tools that will open a whole new scientific frontier. But once in the Oahu rain forest, the scientists are thrust into a hostile wilderness that reveals profound and surprising dangers at every turn. Armed only with their knowledge of the natural world, they find themselves prey to a technology of radical and unbridled power. To survive, they must harness the inherent forces of nature itself.

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Gemiddelde: (3.22)
0.5 2
1 24
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2 71
2.5 13
3 165
3.5 27
4 115
4.5 6
5 50

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