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Bezig met laden... De dag van de Jakhals (1971)door Frederick Forsyth
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Onderdeel van de uitgeversreeks(en)Is opgenomen inThree Complete Novels [The Day of the Jackal / The Odessa File / The Dogs of War] door Frederick Forsyth Heeft de bewerkingIs verkort inReader's Digest Best Sellers: Wild Goose, Brother Goose | The Day of the Jackal | A Day No Pigs Would Die door Reader's Digest The Day of The Jackal, Earthquake, Summer of the Red Wolf, Darwin and the Beagle door Reader's Digest Reader's Digest Auswahlbücher 77: Eins für Frost und Zwei für Feuer / Meine Nachbarn die Affen / Der Schakal / Das Licht im Innern door Reader's Digest PrijzenOnderscheidingenErelijsten
France, infuriated by Charles de Gaulle's withdrawal from Algeria, had failed in six known attempts to assassinate the General. This book postulates that the seventh, mostly deadly attempt involved a professional killer-for-hire who would be unknown to the French Police. His code name: Jackal. His price: half a million dollars. His demand: total secrecy, even from his employers. Step by painstaking step, we follow the Jackal in his meticulous planning, from the fashioning of a specially made rifle to the devising of his approach to the time and the place where the General is to meet the Jackal's bullet. The only obstacle in his path is a small, diffident, rumpled policeman, who happens to be considered by his boss the best detective in France: Deputy Commissaire Claude Lebel. Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.
Actuele discussiesFolio Archives 361: The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth 2014 in Folio Society Devotees Populaire omslagen
Google Books — Bezig met laden... GenresDewey Decimale Classificatie (DDC)823.914Literature English English fiction Modern Period 1901-1999 1945-1999LC-classificatieWaarderingGemiddelde:
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The day of the jackal speelt zich af in de Franse nadagen van de Algerijnse onafhankelijkheid, die niet door alle Fransen gesmaakt werd en leidde tot een mogelijk complot tegen President De Gaulle. De hoofdpersoon zou echt bestaan hebben (Carlos) en zich lang verborgen hebben in Noord-Afrika ( Algerije,Palestina ?) ( )