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In a class by itself door Sandra Brown
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In a class by itself (editie 1999)

door Sandra Brown

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474553,293 (3.24)2
Dani Quinn returns to the small Texas town where she spent her high school years to attend her tenth reunion. While there, she has the opportunity to renew a relationship with Logan Webster with whom she had eloped when both were teens. Her parents subsequently took her away and had the marriage annulled. Dani moved to the big city and briefly married and divorced; she then became actively involved in working for an organization that helps disabled children. Logan tries to determine how Dani really feels about him and why she never came back until now.… (meer)
Titel:In a class by itself
Auteurs:Sandra Brown
Info:New York : Bantam Books, 1999.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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In a Class by Itself door Sandra Brown

Florida (146)
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I've been posting my reviews online for about 10yrs now, I know I've liked books that could have some problematic characters, actions, and storylines (This Heart of Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, comes to mind) but as I get older and in our current climate, I'm really having to challenge and make decisions on what I'll go along with for the sake of the story.

Suddenly he bellowed and vaulted out of the tub. Reaching down, he closed his fist around her mane of hair and hauled her up with him. Furious, dripping water and rage in equal proportions, he shoved his angry face toward hers. His voice was surprisingly mild. She would have preferred shouting.

I wish I could say that this would have stopped me in my tracks at 25yrs old as it did at 35yrs old, but I'm not sure. All I know is that currently, it made me immediately put the book down. This is the "hero" acting towards the heroine.

They were high school sweethearts who ran away to get married but her parents forced them to get an annulment because they thought the hero was too poor and other-side of the tracks. They meet back up at their 10yr high school reunion where the hero not quite so teasingly demands a wedding night. They are being hot and heavy when the heroine tries to put the breaks on and she then tells him why she stayed after the reunion broke up at his house, the charity she helps wants to buy some land the hero owns. He gets angry because he thinks she was using her body to get a good deal on the land. He then basically holds her hostage claiming he'll sell her the land if she lives at this house as his concubine.

It's a hurt revenge angle that was seen quite often in '80s romance, along with the endless descriptions of fashion (the heroine has an eel skin purse and matching heels!). After this scene, there really was no hope for me to ever connect to the hero, he physically assaulted the heroine in my eyes. I skim read the rest of the book (I rate books whether I read fully, skim, or dnf, it is the way I keep track of books so don't @ me) and wasn't all into the heroine still wanting the hero to love her.

Everyone has their own opinions but please, let's all agree that this was assault/abuse and call it as so. ( )
  WhiskeyintheJar | Feb 14, 2019 |
I always enjoy Sandra Brown’s thriller suspense novels but until I read the letter to “Dear Reader” in the beginning of this novel, I didn’t realize that the author has also written “Loveswept Romances.” As the author shared, “Something in all of us delights in lovers and their uneven pursuit of mutual fulfillment and happiness…I became deeply involved with each pair of lovers and their unique story. As though paying a visit to old friends for whom I played matchmaker, I often reread their stories myself. I hope you enjoy this encore edition of one of my personal favorites.” With that introduction, I couldn’t wait to begin reading and I wasn’t disappointed.

As the reader turns the page to Chapter 1, it’s time for Dani Quinn to walk into her 10th high school reunion from Hardwick High School in a small Texas town. Within moments, Dani will be face-to-face with her high school sweetheart Logan Webster – her first love, her only love, her forever love – the man who only knows she left town 10 years ago without saying goodbye – without saying anything.

I read this story in one sitting – I didn’t want to put it down – I couldn’t put it down. If you’re in need of a little romance, I’d recommend spending the evening with Logan and Dani. Your heart will race, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll cheer, you’ll be fully engaged in the drama they create for one another and wonder if the story will ever have a happy ending. I can’t tell, it’s your turn to pick up “In a Class by Itself.”

And however the story ends, the reader will once again smile with the knowledge that Sandra Brown is “In a Class by HERself!” This isn't what I consider Contemporary Romance. It was originally published in the mid-80's and reads like an old Harlequin Romance. So go back in time, "live a little" and enjoy the romance of yesteryear. If you believe that anything is possible, I don't think you will be disappointed! Regardless of publication year, I love her novels! ( )
  FerneMysteryReader | May 25, 2015 |
In A Class By Itself by Sandra Brown
Danny was married to Logan but on her wedding day her parents took her
away and for 10 years. She attends the class 10th reunion and he's there.
She's done a lot of charity work in the past 10 years and is looking for
land that will work for the camp, for autism and spina bifada kids to be
able to enjoy a week that they can have fun at. The newspaper hears about
it, well Logan never told her no she couldn't use the land.
Something else is going on also... ( )
  jbarr5 | Jul 25, 2013 |
Typical early contemporary Brown. The characters make or break her books. ( )
  lesmel | Jul 13, 2013 |
I received a signed audiobook edition of this book along with some other really cool swag. I had read this book before and recognized it when I played the first CD. Sandra Brown is like chocolate for me. I have 24 of her books in my home library and have read many others at the public library. Her books are consistently entertaining and romantic. I like her romantic suspense best, but her romance is fun too. This audio edition was entertaining to listen to on my drive to work. The reader did a good job, and I enjoyed hearing the love story of Dani and Logan again. ( )
  TheLoopyLibrarian | Jun 27, 2011 |
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Sandra Brownprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Davis, Elaina ErikaReaderSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Dani Quinn returns to the small Texas town where she spent her high school years to attend her tenth reunion. While there, she has the opportunity to renew a relationship with Logan Webster with whom she had eloped when both were teens. Her parents subsequently took her away and had the marriage annulled. Dani moved to the big city and briefly married and divorced; she then became actively involved in working for an organization that helps disabled children. Logan tries to determine how Dani really feels about him and why she never came back until now.

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