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Presumption of Guilt (Suncoast Chronicles…
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Presumption of Guilt (Suncoast Chronicles Series #4) (editie 1997)

door Terri Blackstock (Auteur)

Reeksen: Suncoast Chronicles (4)

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355275,472 (3.88)4
Just one person can save the children from a terrifying future. But to do so, she must master her past. Beth Wright, a newspaper reporter, is hot on the trail of a story that could expose something very ugly at the St. Clair Children's Home. Someone else is hot on Beth Wright's trail - someone who wants to make sure her story never sees the press. Between them stands Nick Hutchins, a social worker who finds his own gut hunches about the children's home increasingly confirmed, first by Beth's investigation...then by a high-speed attempt on her life...and finally, by an intruder's startling confession. As the drama unfolds, a horrifying picture emerges of helpless children under the sway of a modern-day Fagin. Just one person holds the key that can save them: Beth herself. But using that key could cost Beth her reputation...if it doesn't first cost her life. Presumption of Guilt is a gripping portrayal of the depths of human evil, the soul-twisting influence of lies...and of the liberating power of truth and the far-reaching freedom of God's mercy and grace. From absorbing legal drama to lightning-paced action, the Sun Coast Chronicles by award-winning author Terri Blackstock offers suspense at its finest, tempered with remarkable realism and penetrating insights into the human heart.… (meer)
Titel:Presumption of Guilt (Suncoast Chronicles Series #4)
Auteurs:Terri Blackstock (Auteur)
Info:Zondervan (1997), Edition: Later Print, 304 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Presumption of Guilt door Terri Blackstock

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  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
Just one person can save the children from a terrifying future - but to do so Beth must master her past.

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  Indiancreek | Nov 27, 2017 |
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Just one person can save the children from a terrifying future. But to do so, she must master her past. Beth Wright, a newspaper reporter, is hot on the trail of a story that could expose something very ugly at the St. Clair Children's Home. Someone else is hot on Beth Wright's trail - someone who wants to make sure her story never sees the press. Between them stands Nick Hutchins, a social worker who finds his own gut hunches about the children's home increasingly confirmed, first by Beth's investigation...then by a high-speed attempt on her life...and finally, by an intruder's startling confession. As the drama unfolds, a horrifying picture emerges of helpless children under the sway of a modern-day Fagin. Just one person holds the key that can save them: Beth herself. But using that key could cost Beth her reputation...if it doesn't first cost her life. Presumption of Guilt is a gripping portrayal of the depths of human evil, the soul-twisting influence of lies...and of the liberating power of truth and the far-reaching freedom of God's mercy and grace. From absorbing legal drama to lightning-paced action, the Sun Coast Chronicles by award-winning author Terri Blackstock offers suspense at its finest, tempered with remarkable realism and penetrating insights into the human heart.

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4 7
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5 4

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