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The Mirror Prince door Violette Malan
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The Mirror Prince (origineel 2006; editie 2007)

door Violette Malan

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2016139,983 (3.38)3
Max Ravenhill was perfectly happy with his life as a history professor until he met Cassandra. Told that he was more than a thousand years old and had known Cassandra and her fellow Wardens all that time, that his life as Max was pure fiction implanted in his mind, and that he was being pursued by the Hunt and his only chance for survival was to flee to the realm of Faerie, Max can only assume that Cassandra is crazy-or he is. But soon it becomes all too clear that at least part of what she says is true. And unless he goes with her, he won't live long enough to separate the truth from the lies.… (meer)
Titel:The Mirror Prince
Auteurs:Violette Malan
Info:DAW (2007), Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Mirror Prince door Violette Malan (2006)

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The Mirror Prince starts a little slow as the characters are not immediately compelling but as the story progresses your grow attached to the characters and that's when the book starts to gain momentum. The story is fast-paced and has a couple of interesting concepts but never really flourishes with imagination. The prose is solid and the characters both well-defined and authentic. I found it an enjoyable read with very little to really fault it for. ( )
  TristenKozinski | Sep 18, 2024 |
Originally I bought this book because I thought it was part of Malan's Dhulyn and Parno series (though I'm not sure what convinced me of that), but found out pretty quickly it was its own stand alone fantasy. This is almost my dream come true set-up, but the problem is that its a set-up I've seen quite often in the last decade in young adult fiction. The 'hidden faerie royalty' plot has been beaten to death it sometimes feels like.

In all honesty I enjoyed the human-Max better than later as he regained his memories of being the Guardian Prince, Dawntreader. Its not that he changed for the worse personality-wise, but more I couldn't connect with him as much. Cassandra was hot and cold for me, but a lot of that had to do with a past history with Max that isn't fully explored. She did her job, she did it well, but she resented it a lot of the time, having wished to avoid Max as much as possible. I liked Max and Cassandra's interactions in the beginning, as he tried to convince himself she was the crazy one, she tried to convince him he needed to listen regardless and they both tried to fight their attraction.

I had trouble staying focused while reading the book, my mind kept wandering and I kept wanting to just stop reading, but once I start a book I finish it. Its not that the world wasn't interesting or I wasn't interested in the final battle between the Basilisk Prince (the bad guy) and Max, I just didn't have enough interest. The characters didn't feel real to me, so I didn't feel the suspense or shock that the author was trying to convey at times.

I much prefer the Dhulyn and Parno series by Malan. As a first novel I think this had a lot of potential, but fell flat where the characters were concerned, so that kept this from being a book I could really enjoy. ( )
  lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
I moved through this one pretty quickly once I got started. It's nice to read a fantasy novel without the expectation that it's going to be a trilogy (or more) and it did end on a solid note. The characters were interesting enough, and it was a great bad guy. However, there were lots of unanswered questions; it didn't seem like they were unanswered deliberately, but more that the author sort of forgot to tie up those threads (particularly things that happened earlier in the book). Also, the usage of made-up words for certain terms got a little old and seemed unnecessary--if it's armor, just call it armor, even if it is magical in your world. ( )
  Krumbs | Mar 31, 2013 |
An urban fantasy that successfully wandes into the realm of faerie. It makes you think. Are you happy with who you are? Would you give up the bad things in your past if it meant possibly being someone you won't like? The ending is highly satisfying. An excellent read.
  Strider66 | Oct 1, 2009 |
Although this book had interesting characters and a well developed world, I felt bogged down by too much description and introspection that felt repetitive. I wanted to stay with the characters to see how things turned out in the end, but was not surprised by the ending and didn't feel the need to run out and buy the next book. The 360 pages in this book felt longer. ( )
  Pomsofa | May 14, 2008 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Violette Malanprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Lockwood, ToddArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Max Ravenhill was perfectly happy with his life as a history professor until he met Cassandra. Told that he was more than a thousand years old and had known Cassandra and her fellow Wardens all that time, that his life as Max was pure fiction implanted in his mind, and that he was being pursued by the Hunt and his only chance for survival was to flee to the realm of Faerie, Max can only assume that Cassandra is crazy-or he is. But soon it becomes all too clear that at least part of what she says is true. And unless he goes with her, he won't live long enough to separate the truth from the lies.

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