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The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce…
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The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce (Cambridge Companions to Literature) (editie 1990)

door Derek Attridge (Redacteur)

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This second edition of The Cambridge Companion to Joyce contains several revised essays, reflecting increasing emphasis on Joyce's politics, a fresh sense of the importance of his engagement with Ireland, and the changes wrought by gender studies on criticism of his work. This Companion gathers an international team of leading scholars who shed light on Joyce's work and life. The contributions are informative, stimulating and full of rich and accessible insights which will provoke thought and discussion in and out of the classroom. The Companion's reading lists and extended bibliography offer readers the necessary tools for further informed exploration of Joyce studies. This volume is designed primarily as a students' reference work (although it is organised so that it can also be read from cover to cover), and will deepen and extend the enjoyment and understanding of Joyce for the new reader.… (meer)
Titel:The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
Auteurs:Derek Attridge (Redacteur)
Info:Cambridge University Press (1990), Edition: 1st, 326 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce door Derek Attridge

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The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce (Cambridge Companions to Literature) by Derek Attridge (2004)
  cdp02005 | Aug 3, 2009 |
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This second edition of The Cambridge Companion to Joyce contains several revised essays, reflecting increasing emphasis on Joyce's politics, a fresh sense of the importance of his engagement with Ireland, and the changes wrought by gender studies on criticism of his work. This Companion gathers an international team of leading scholars who shed light on Joyce's work and life. The contributions are informative, stimulating and full of rich and accessible insights which will provoke thought and discussion in and out of the classroom. The Companion's reading lists and extended bibliography offer readers the necessary tools for further informed exploration of Joyce studies. This volume is designed primarily as a students' reference work (although it is organised so that it can also be read from cover to cover), and will deepen and extend the enjoyment and understanding of Joyce for the new reader.

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