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The Alchemy of Forever: An Incarnation Novel…
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The Alchemy of Forever: An Incarnation Novel (editie 2012)

door Avery Williams (Auteur)

Reeksen: Incarnation (1)

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23018121,494 (3.68)Geen
After spending six hundred years on Earth, Seraphina Ames' eternal life provides her with the world's riches, but at a very high price. Centuries ago her boyfriend, Cyrus, discovered a method of alchemy that allows them to take the bodies of other humans by jumping from one vessel to the next, ending the human's life in the process. No longer able to bear the guilt of what she's done, Sera escapes from Cyrus and vows to never kill again. But then sixteen-year old Kailey Morgan gets inbto a horrific car accident right of front of Seraphina and Sera accidentally takes over the body while trying to save Kailey. For the first time Sera finds herself enjoying the life of the person she's inhabiting, and falling for the human boy next door. But Cyrus wants Sera back again. Will Sera have to give up the true love that's eluded her for centuries?… (meer)
Titel:The Alchemy of Forever: An Incarnation Novel
Auteurs:Avery Williams (Auteur)
Info:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2012), 256 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Alchemy of Forever: An Incarnation Novel door Avery Williams

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OMG! I just picked this book up mid last week, and I feel like I have a hard time putting it down. Great book, love it! Teen romance fans, or teen supernatural fans, pick this up! ( )
  StarlieLC | Mar 16, 2018 |
I could not wait for this book to come out, but when it did I didn’t have the money to get it. When I finally bought it I was so excited that I started reading it straight away. I hate to say it, but I was disappointed.

I liked it while I was reading it but it just wasn’t as great as I hoped it would be. I can barely even remember what happened. Before writing this review, I actually had to sit down and try to remember what the book was about. This shouldn’t have been a problem considering I only read it a week ago. My memory is bad, but it’s not that bad.

Both the plot and characters were just meh. It was a good enough read that I got through it in one sitting, and I did enjoy it while I was reading it. It just wasn’t very memorable. I will be picking up book two, The Impossibility of Tomorrow, I just don’t know when. There are so many other books I want to read right now.

Note: This is an older review. So I don’t feel like I can get more into what I liked and disliked about it. Maybe someday I will re-read The Alchemy of Forever and do another review. ( )
  TheTreeReader | Nov 25, 2017 |
This is one that my daughter recommended. It’s about a group of people called Incarnates who are able to live hundreds of years by “jumping ” into other people’s bodies, sort of like body snatchers. One of them, Seraphina, has a change of heart and decides to embrace death but something unexpected happens. While trying to save a girl’s life, she accidentally “jumps” into that girl’s body. Now she has to assume the girl’s identity while trying to outsmart Cyrus, the leader of the Incarnates who is hunting her. The story is good, the ending is a cliffhanger though because there’s a book 2. I give this one 4 stars and will be reading the sequel soon. ( )
  VavaViolet | Sep 1, 2015 |
NOAH. omg, I can't believe his body is now inhabited by Cyrus!!! But it was an exciting read! Definitely my type of thriller. it's Mara Dyer-ish w/o the Sera's immortality and Mara's craziness. ( )
  englisherna | Apr 8, 2015 |
NOAH. omg, I can't believe his body is now inhabited by Cyrus!!! But it was an exciting read! Definitely my type of thriller. it's Mara Dyer-ish w/o the Sera's immortality and Mara's craziness. ( )
  sheshethefangirl | Dec 19, 2013 |
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After spending six hundred years on Earth, Seraphina Ames' eternal life provides her with the world's riches, but at a very high price. Centuries ago her boyfriend, Cyrus, discovered a method of alchemy that allows them to take the bodies of other humans by jumping from one vessel to the next, ending the human's life in the process. No longer able to bear the guilt of what she's done, Sera escapes from Cyrus and vows to never kill again. But then sixteen-year old Kailey Morgan gets inbto a horrific car accident right of front of Seraphina and Sera accidentally takes over the body while trying to save Kailey. For the first time Sera finds herself enjoying the life of the person she's inhabiting, and falling for the human boy next door. But Cyrus wants Sera back again. Will Sera have to give up the true love that's eluded her for centuries?

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