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A Very Gothic Christmas (Holiday Classics)…
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A Very Gothic Christmas (Holiday Classics) (origineel 2001; editie 2002)

door Christine Feehan, Melanie George

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371571,773 (3.56)2
Romance blends with the supernatural mysteries and magic of the occult and the extraordinary wonder of the holiday season in special collection of passionate romance tales.
Titel:A Very Gothic Christmas (Holiday Classics)
Auteurs:Christine Feehan
Andere auteurs:Melanie George
Info:Pocket (2002), Edition: 1st, Mass Market Paperback, 432 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

A Very Gothic Christmas (After the Music / Lady of the Locket) door Christine Feehan (2001)

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I only read After the Music by Christine Feehan
Dillon was burned trying to save his children from a fire. Jessica has helped raise his children away from Dillon for the last seven years. After her mother was killed and several mysterious accidents Jessica brings the children to Dillon for Christmas. Once there the attraction Dillon and Jessica had for one another blooms, even while more and more accidents happen. The love story and the blooming relationship Dillon has with his kids were good. The ghost towards the end really didn't fit, even though the author tried to explain it away, given his dead wife's history.
( )
  wyldheartreads | Jun 20, 2019 |
This was my least favorite, ever, story by Christine Feehan and the Melanie George story didn't make up for it. Characters were uninteresting and predictable. But it was better than the Feehan story. I didn't really see much "gothic" about either tale. ( )
  sprowett | Jun 2, 2008 |
The first one of these two is a non-paranormal story. It's a story about a musician and his sister-in-law who brings his twin children to stay with him in his gothic-style mansion. There's someone trying to kill them and she thinks that maybe with their father in his secluded house they will be safe, but the killer has followed them. Really most of the gothic in this story is the setting. It's not a bad story but not great either.

The second story is Lady of the Locket - a time travel story, not a bad story but nothing remarkable. It's short and sweet.

It was a nice read around the christmas period. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Jan 20, 2008 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Feehan, Christineprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
George, Melanieprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Christine Feehan:
For Manda and Christina, may you always be survivors. Much love.
For Manda and Christina, may you always be survivors. Much love.
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Christine Feehan's After the Music:

Jessica Fitzpatrick woke up screaming, her heart pounding out a rhythm of terror.
Melanie George's Lady of the Locket:

The castle rose out of the heavy mist like a phoenix emerging from the ashes, a looming monolith seemingly born of its craggy foundation, perched on the uppermost edge of the earth for the purpose of lording over the village in the distance.
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Romance blends with the supernatural mysteries and magic of the occult and the extraordinary wonder of the holiday season in special collection of passionate romance tales.

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Gemiddelde: (3.56)
1 1
2 5
2.5 1
3 21
3.5 3
4 17
5 11

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