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The Vincent Boys (The Vincent Boys, #1) door…
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The Vincent Boys (The Vincent Boys, #1) (editie 2011)

door Abbi Glines

Reeksen: De Vincent Boys (1)

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5675043,901 (3.67)5
Ashton is ongelukkig in haar relatie met Sawyer. Wanneer hij op vakantie vertrekt, gaat ze achter zijn neef Beau aan. Die is ook verliefd op haar, maar negeert die gevoelens uit respect voor zijn neef. Tot de wederzijdse aantrekkingskracht zo groot is dat ze geen weerstand kunnen bieden.
Titel:The Vincent Boys (The Vincent Boys, #1)
Auteurs:Abbi Glines
Info:Publisher Unknown, Kindle Edition, 260 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Perfecte zomer door Abbi Glines

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I didn't expect to love this book so much. I and the moment I started reading it, I was hooked and couldn't put it down. It was exhilarating fun and enjoyable! I want more of Ashton and the Vincent boys!

Cousins Sawyer and Beau Vincent were Ashon Gray's childhood best friends. They grew up and protected each other ever since they were five. And even from that time, Beau has always cared and loved Ashton until she became Sawyer's girlfriend. Since then, Beau and Ashton relationship grew apart despite the fact that they were practically the best of friends. For three years of Ashton's relationship with Sawyer, she tried to be good, to be descent, to be worthy of Sawyer's love and affection. She did her best to be the perfect girl for Sawyer--the good and the perfect (well, almost) of the two Vincent boys. Beau on the other hand, has always been the bad boy, the dangerous one. He was once her partner in crime, and he is the one who knows the real Ashton, the boy who love the girl she's trying to conceal. After spending time with Beau, Ash suddenly realized that she must have chosen the wrong Vincent boy after all...

There are lots of things I loved about this book. First of all, the characters. Ash is very real to me. She's an average girl whom you usually meet at school or in your neighborhood. She's not perfect, she's flawed, she has shortcomings, she has mistakes in life like the rest of us. The good thing about her is that she tried to fix things even though it would cost her her own happiness. She didn't deny her mistakes, she accepted the consequences and lived through it. That made me loved her despite of her weaknesses. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Ashton and the Vincent cousins Beau and Sawyer grow up playing together. Mostly Beau and Ashton are partners in crime and Sawyer is bailing them out. But when they get older it's Sawyer who gets the girl and Beau is just left wondering what could've been. That is until Sawyer goes away one summer and Ashton gets curious about that spark she seems to have when she looks at Beau. You see Ashton is the daughter of a preacher and girlfriend of the golden boy. She's been trying to live up to that for 3 years now and she's getting sick of faking it. When Sawyer comes home, Ashton has to figure out if it's worth ruining her reputation for the town bad-boy... not to mention ruining a family.

You guys I loved this book!! It is seriously the HOTTEST romance book I've read in forever... and there wasn't even that many sexy scenes. It was that attraction between Ashton and Beau, I could just feel it. I'm not kidding when I say I had to take a cold shower after reading the first half, I was burning up!

I think the fact that it was set in the deep south made all the pressure for reputations more believable. I think that stuff is more important down there. The only thing I wanted more of was backstory. I wanted flashbacks or something to really see how they ended up this way instead of the author just saying it.

Definitely one of my favorites of the year... and definitely one to read. It'll put you in the mood for summertime and sweet-tea... and it have you picturing shirtless guys with abs, lots of abs.

More @: ( )
  Michelle_PPDB | Mar 18, 2023 |
So this book is 100% guilty pleasure. I think I was slightly in love with Beau halfway through this book and I definitely thought I'd be a much better match for him than Ashton :) but in reality, Ashton and Beau were great for each other. If you're looking for a fun and sexy romance that's a great light read, I recommend this book. It's my first introduction to Abbi Glines but I'll definitely be reading more. ( )
  melrailey | Apr 7, 2020 |
I'm a sucker for love triangles. This book was fun to read, I loved Beau and Ashton. A southern bad boy who plays football and has great abs? Sign me up! I liked that we got both their points of view, I think it makes the book more enjoyable to read. I'm sad that Beau and Ash stopped being friends for a while, they seemed so happy when they were kids. I understand Sawyer being upset and hurt after what happened with Ash and him, but he shouldn't have let everyone bully her like that. I'm glad Beau knocked some sense into him. I'm really surprised that Ashton's dad changed his view of Beau, he seemed like he really hated him. I'm glad it all worked out and Beau and Ash can be adorable together now. ( )
  AlyP59 | Apr 25, 2019 |
Ashton Gray is tired of playing the perfect little princess. Tired of trying to please her religious parents and make herself worthy of the one and only Sawyer Vincent. Beau Vincent is nothing like his perfect cousin. He's sexy, dangerous, and alluring as all get out. In other words, the one guy she should stay away from. Still, she finds herself drawn to him despite everything. What's a girl to do?

Sound fairly familiar? Let's be honest, The Vincent Boys doesn't really bring anything new to the table in terms of story line. The plot is very predictable, but I pretty much knew that going in. Still, I can't deny that it was a pretty scrumptious way to pass a couple of hours. It might take a while for you to get hooked, but once you are it's difficult not to finish.

I had a love/hate relationship with Ashton most of the book. A good portion of the story is spent in Ashton's head, and it isn't always an easy place to be. Her definitions of a "good girl" versus a "bad girl" are fully fueled by her parents, and yet I feel like she was so hard on herself. I can't deny that I hated that she cheated, but the story wouldn't make sense otherwise. Plus, well, it is Beau after all.

Which leads me to Beau and Sawyer Vincent. Night and day, these two are pretty delicious each in their own way. I'm always a sucker for the bad boy. I admit it. Glines' puts these two at odds to allow for some tension, but really it is Beau that shines through it all. A bad boy with a heart of gold. If that doesn't draw you in, I really don't know what will. It definitely kept me reading.

I really felt like this book could have gone into a lot more depth at times. The relationship between Ashton and Beau went from zero to sixty in a matter of pages, and it was a little disconcerting. I felt no emotion for Ashton, even when things went badly for her. It honestly made me sad. Perhaps in the next book we'll dive deeper into the two of them. All in all though, The Vincent Boys ended up being enjoyable. I appreciated the Southern, small town charm that Abbi Glines worked into the story line, and of course I loved Beau. Give this a shot if you're looking for a sweet and quick read.
( )
  roses7184 | Feb 5, 2019 |
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To my son, Austin. The only person who understands my love of football because he just may love it a little more. Roll Tide, son.
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"You notice anything different about Ash?" my cousin Sawyer asked as he climbed up the tree to sit beside me on our favorite limb overlooking the lake.
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Ashton is ongelukkig in haar relatie met Sawyer. Wanneer hij op vakantie vertrekt, gaat ze achter zijn neef Beau aan. Die is ook verliefd op haar, maar negeert die gevoelens uit respect voor zijn neef. Tot de wederzijdse aantrekkingskracht zo groot is dat ze geen weerstand kunnen bieden.

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Abbi Glines is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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1 9
2 13
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3 53
3.5 5
4 67
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5 46


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